

New member
Hi Everyone!My name is Ernesto and I am a 15yr. old man who has Cf. I have a lot of questions, I also hope that some day they find the cure. I know its hard to live with it. I mean sometimes i get mad, angry, and fusstrated cuz' I get tired of my medicines, and my VEST therapy. I hope some-1 could read this and give some sugjestions that could help me not to get these things. You can reply this message. my e-mail is netito15@sbcglobal.net My screen name is NeTiTo1514. Thanx 4 your supprot


New member
Ernesto, I am sorry you are having such a hard time, but you will get through it. If you have questions and need support this is the place to come. What kind of questions do you have? Maybe we can help.AM