G/J Tube and tummy issues


New member
I've been fed only through my G/J tube nightly. But its causing major diarrhea during the entire night, no matter how many enzymes I seem to take. I did take an Immodium today to see if that helped, but I don't know yet.

Has anyone had similar tube feeding problems?? Experiences?


New member
I've been fed only through my G/J tube nightly. But its causing major diarrhea during the entire night, no matter how many enzymes I seem to take. I did take an Immodium today to see if that helped, but I don't know yet.

Has anyone had similar tube feeding problems?? Experiences?


New member
I've been fed only through my G/J tube nightly. But its causing major diarrhea during the entire night, no matter how many enzymes I seem to take. I did take an Immodium today to see if that helped, but I don't know yet.
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<br />Has anyone had similar tube feeding problems?? Experiences?


New member
I was on G/J tube feedings up until three months ago for quite some time. You may need to slow down the rate of your feedings. Going over 100cc per hour is not recommend with jejunal feedings. I do not know how fast your feedings are. I used to adjust my rate up and down all the time. I now have a g tube. I do not take enzymes so I can't help you with that. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions about having a G/J tube.


New member
I was on G/J tube feedings up until three months ago for quite some time. You may need to slow down the rate of your feedings. Going over 100cc per hour is not recommend with jejunal feedings. I do not know how fast your feedings are. I used to adjust my rate up and down all the time. I now have a g tube. I do not take enzymes so I can't help you with that. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions about having a G/J tube.


New member
I was on G/J tube feedings up until three months ago for quite some time. You may need to slow down the rate of your feedings. Going over 100cc per hour is not recommend with jejunal feedings. I do not know how fast your feedings are. I used to adjust my rate up and down all the time. I now have a g tube. I do not take enzymes so I can't help you with that. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions about having a G/J tube.


New member
How long have you been doing the feedings? I know initially you can have diarrhea problems. Also otherwise I think it means the rate is too fast for your body. I take enzymes right before bed and mostly when I flush it out in the morning take another set.

I dont seem to be having ton of problems from it though. I will never fully understand how a g-tube can actually put weight on a cf'er considering we arent taking enzymes the entire night but somehow it works I guess haha.


New member
How long have you been doing the feedings? I know initially you can have diarrhea problems. Also otherwise I think it means the rate is too fast for your body. I take enzymes right before bed and mostly when I flush it out in the morning take another set.

I dont seem to be having ton of problems from it though. I will never fully understand how a g-tube can actually put weight on a cf'er considering we arent taking enzymes the entire night but somehow it works I guess haha.


New member
How long have you been doing the feedings? I know initially you can have diarrhea problems. Also otherwise I think it means the rate is too fast for your body. I take enzymes right before bed and mostly when I flush it out in the morning take another set.
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<br />I dont seem to be having ton of problems from it though. I will never fully understand how a g-tube can actually put weight on a cf'er considering we arent taking enzymes the entire night but somehow it works I guess haha.