G Tube


New member
So I've been fighting this topic for years and I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I need a G tube (well I think) the docs bring it up all the time but have always told me it's my decision and if I can prove I can gain the weight then I won't need one. So to make along story short I've been hanging on by a thin thread 5"1 94lbs not great and not enough to have children (which is what I want soon) so can some of you with one tell me what it's like??? how long did you have one (did it scar) is yours still in? does it leak (cause at camp when i was REALLY little a girls leaked and it made me DEFINITLY not want one) can you swim? tell me everything
(it's Meghan by the way still no password)


New member
So I've been fighting this topic for years and I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I need a G tube (well I think) the docs bring it up all the time but have always told me it's my decision and if I can prove I can gain the weight then I won't need one. So to make along story short I've been hanging on by a thin thread 5"1 94lbs not great and not enough to have children (which is what I want soon) so can some of you with one tell me what it's like??? how long did you have one (did it scar) is yours still in? does it leak (cause at camp when i was REALLY little a girls leaked and it made me DEFINITLY not want one) can you swim? tell me everything
(it's Meghan by the way still no password)
OK...well lemme see...I have a G-tube and ive had it for a couple months. When u get it, it will be sorta long at first but in about 6 weeks you can get this mickey button attachement and its really small so its much easier to not see under your clothes..im getting mine soon. The one i have right now doesnt leak alot so that is pretty good. The mickey I got was custom fit so it shouldnt leak alot... I used to weigh 70 pounds and now i am 103. But that was not because all of the G-tube...i ate alot more and i got my blood sugar under control. YOu can still go swimming and take baths its not restricted or anything....i really dont wish i got mine because i am a teenager and mine personally doesnt work that well because they only give me one can so i was kinda odd about that...it didnt really help..as long as they give u more to get ur weight up i think it will be good for you if you want to gain some weight! My goal is to be 105-110 thats what i think is a good weight for my height...which is 5"1 so thats what i think.
OK...well lemme see...I have a G-tube and ive had it for a couple months. When u get it, it will be sorta long at first but in about 6 weeks you can get this mickey button attachement and its really small so its much easier to not see under your clothes..im getting mine soon. The one i have right now doesnt leak alot so that is pretty good. The mickey I got was custom fit so it shouldnt leak alot... I used to weigh 70 pounds and now i am 103. But that was not because all of the G-tube...i ate alot more and i got my blood sugar under control. YOu can still go swimming and take baths its not restricted or anything....i really dont wish i got mine because i am a teenager and mine personally doesnt work that well because they only give me one can so i was kinda odd about that...it didnt really help..as long as they give u more to get ur weight up i think it will be good for you if you want to gain some weight! My goal is to be 105-110 thats what i think is a good weight for my height...which is 5"1 so thats what i think.


New member
I know this might sound like a silly question,and it probably is. Do they hurt in any way, and how long do have one for?

Eli<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
I know this might sound like a silly question,and it probably is. Do they hurt in any way, and how long do have one for?

Eli<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
I got my feeding tube placed when I was 14 years old. I went in for surgery on the second day of my Freshman year to be exact. The tube that is first in I did not like. It is a long tube and was especially hard for me to hide in my clothing, which was a huge concern for me at that age. I gained weight successfully and went up from 78 pounds to around 95 pounds. I'm 4'11'' so that was a good weight for me at the time. My feeding tube did leak. I was kind of vein and selfish at the time and would only have the peg tube put in because it was the most inconspicuous. The peg tube does not seal to the flesh as well as some others do. So basically every time I ate my feeding tube leaked. After a while i started getting more and more sick and stopped gaining weight and was basically using the feeding tube to maintain. After I got more sick I actually started to lose the weight that I had gained. I used the feeding tube right up until the day of my transplant. I did not use it one day post transplant and now weigh 102-105 pounds. A much healthier weight than the measly 78 was down to again pre transplant. So moral of the story, as long as you are healthy, the feeding tube will work and is worth it. I can speak from my experience and say that once I started to become more ill, the feeding tube did not work for me anymore. There is pain involved with the feeding tube. Your stomach muscles will hurt when you talk, laugh, sit up, lay down, pretty much anything and I needed help a lot from my mom. But i got the surgery on a Friday and forced myself to be back in school on monday. So it is bearable pain as long at it is managed well.

Hope this helps
Double lung tx 11.11.04


New member
I got my feeding tube placed when I was 14 years old. I went in for surgery on the second day of my Freshman year to be exact. The tube that is first in I did not like. It is a long tube and was especially hard for me to hide in my clothing, which was a huge concern for me at that age. I gained weight successfully and went up from 78 pounds to around 95 pounds. I'm 4'11'' so that was a good weight for me at the time. My feeding tube did leak. I was kind of vein and selfish at the time and would only have the peg tube put in because it was the most inconspicuous. The peg tube does not seal to the flesh as well as some others do. So basically every time I ate my feeding tube leaked. After a while i started getting more and more sick and stopped gaining weight and was basically using the feeding tube to maintain. After I got more sick I actually started to lose the weight that I had gained. I used the feeding tube right up until the day of my transplant. I did not use it one day post transplant and now weigh 102-105 pounds. A much healthier weight than the measly 78 was down to again pre transplant. So moral of the story, as long as you are healthy, the feeding tube will work and is worth it. I can speak from my experience and say that once I started to become more ill, the feeding tube did not work for me anymore. There is pain involved with the feeding tube. Your stomach muscles will hurt when you talk, laugh, sit up, lay down, pretty much anything and I needed help a lot from my mom. But i got the surgery on a Friday and forced myself to be back in school on monday. So it is bearable pain as long at it is managed well.

Hope this helps
Double lung tx 11.11.04


New member
I had a g tube for 11 years. i got it put in when i was six the scar wasnt supposed to be that big but mine is a very large scar. Mine was from my left side to nearly the middle of erm my boobahs but the doc said it was cuz i was so small n his hands were so big. I gotten it taken out when i was 17 docs said i could hold my weight after i stopped my feedings at night..i was taking perative that stuff is so nasty..dont take it by mouth my mom tried to get me to she thought itwas like ensure...i told her to screw that she should taste it...that was the end of that. Yesh you can swim and yesh it will leak, i couldnt wear white shirts or tight ones. And i didnt like changing them when they busted it hurt till u got use to it. i wouldnt let the doctors touch me because one time a doctor jerked it really hard out of my stomach and messed up my stomach and back so i started doing it on my own..all in all its not that bad to change if u do it by urself and if i remember right when u change it the g tube has to be back in within a hour or the whole closes and u have to have it reopened. if i was you i'd get it if u want children later on and to gain weight. im 5"2' and im 115 pounds at the moment.


New member
I had a g tube for 11 years. i got it put in when i was six the scar wasnt supposed to be that big but mine is a very large scar. Mine was from my left side to nearly the middle of erm my boobahs but the doc said it was cuz i was so small n his hands were so big. I gotten it taken out when i was 17 docs said i could hold my weight after i stopped my feedings at night..i was taking perative that stuff is so nasty..dont take it by mouth my mom tried to get me to she thought itwas like ensure...i told her to screw that she should taste it...that was the end of that. Yesh you can swim and yesh it will leak, i couldnt wear white shirts or tight ones. And i didnt like changing them when they busted it hurt till u got use to it. i wouldnt let the doctors touch me because one time a doctor jerked it really hard out of my stomach and messed up my stomach and back so i started doing it on my own..all in all its not that bad to change if u do it by urself and if i remember right when u change it the g tube has to be back in within a hour or the whole closes and u have to have it reopened. if i was you i'd get it if u want children later on and to gain weight. im 5"2' and im 115 pounds at the moment.