Gabrielle's surgery


New member
Gabrielle is scheduled for surgery on Friday. She will be having tubes put in her ears her adnoids taken out as well as her tonsils. I hope she starts to fell better after all of this is done she has had quite a rough year. Keep her in your thoughts.


New member
Jenni, I will have your daughter and family in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how she's doing whenever you have the chance to.


New member
Thank you everyone for keeping Gabrielle in your thoughts. It has been the 2 longest and most stressful days in a long time. The Dr. said the surgery went great, but the recovery has been tuff, her pain medicine was making her sick and she only drank about 10 oz. yesterday(saturday), she is finally drinking a little more. I hoping today will be a better day for her it is so hard to see her in so much pain. Thanks again for the kind thoughts. Maria, Sadia and Mary Ellen and Dr. McColley say hi. I'll keep you all updated.


New member
Gabrielle is doing better today, still slow to drink but a lot better then Sunday. Hopefully she'll be herself by Christmas. I'll keep you all updated.


New member
Hi Jenni,

Glad to see Gabrielle is coming along. Are you still at Children's? I would like to send something up to Gabrielle's room from the gift shop.
Tell everyone I said Hello and Merry Christmas. We don't have another appointment until the end of January - hopefully!

Get some rest and stay healthy,



New member
Hi, Maria no where not there anymore, where at home, she was on the 7th floor after surgery. Sadia was actually her nurse in recovery when she came out of surgery, I was so surprised to walk in and she her, She said she works in surgery on her off days. We don't have an appointment til January also. I hope all is going well with Sami and the Family. I hope you have a blessed holiday. Thanks for the concern and kind words.


New member
I was just about to log off and I saw your reply - that's funny about Sadia - the same thing happened to us. My oldest daughter Raquel was in for an outpatient surgery and Sadia was her nurse too. I was also surprised to see her there, but very grateful, she is so friendly. WE NEED TO GET SOME SLEEP !!!!!!! Take care!
