Hello all, hope everything is well.<br><br>If it helps, I am almost 34 years old and have CF with that exact mutation. While this may not be the case for everyone with this mutation, the disease has been *extremely* mild for me. So mild, in fact, that I rarely feel like I have CF.<br><br>To this day, I regularly hit 94% expected on PFTs and have never been hospitalized for pneumonia or any other lung infection. I do get infections from time to time but they go away quickly with antibiotics. About the only thing that occurs is that I get asthma like effects at times, but nothing major. In fact, I regularly run 4-6 miles non stop. <br><br>I do culture out staph on a regular basis, and just a few years ago I
cultured out pseudomonas. However, it comes and goes after time with
TOBI. Again, I haven't developed pneumonia at all.<br><br>I am pancreatic sufficient and only once had an issue. About two years ago I was hospitalized for pancreatitis. I woke up one night with pains in my abdomen and the next day they admitted me. After a couple of days with only IV and no food, the pancreatitis cleared up on its own. I was only in the hospital for about 4 days. I haven't had a reoccurence since (knock on wood).<br><br>Not sure if this is just a factor of my mutation, where I live or other genes, but I will say that my case is the mildest that my doctors have seen. During the first 30 years of my life I will have to say that I rarely felt ANY effects from CF. It wasn't until I hit 30 that I started getting more *subtle* reminders, but even then, they are very, very manageable and hardly effect my day to day. However, I think even people without CF start to notice more and more "reminders" of our age after 30.<br><br>Hope this helps.<br>