George Carlin


New member
Do any of ya'll like George Carlin. My hubby and I are HUGE fans. He is SOOOO funny.

Well, he was in town last night. My hubby got tickets for me for Mother's Day. I could not wait to see him!!!!

He comes on stage and says in December he had to have angioplasty. He then says that he has been sober for 17 months. GOOD FOR HIM!

I THINK I LAUGHED A TOTAL OF 2 TIMES THE WHOLE TIME HE WAS ON STAGE! It was quite disappointing! He was not funny at all. I don't know if he needs to be drunk to be funny or what!

I think it is time for him to retire!!



New member
Yeah, I'm a big George Carlin fan. His synical remarks make a lot of sense, most of the time.

You are right, though. He's seemed to go downhill, but the man's also been around forever. I think his age might have gotten to him a bit. His last HBO special wasn't a good at the others. I laughed, but some of his lines he seemed to forget, and the last bit of it seemed more like he was telling a Scientology story than a joke.

Maybe he'll be up to par again next time? *shurgs*


The most memorable "Carlin" joke I remember is when everyone has their "things"!
After that, I thought Gallagher was funnier, even when he would do his classic "Watermellon" smashing!
Though, I've been SOOOOOOO engulfed in Japanese Comedy! Some are gosh-darn original and hilarious!!
It'd take a lot of space to explain details, but one guy would use some sort of visionary tools, like a television, to get his joke across, but hilarious in the end.
Some others would use a freqented "punch line", but although some of them seemed dull with the same cliche, other's are still hilarious.
I Miss some old Steve Martin, though!


New member
Seanna, I know this is a wierd thing to have an opinion on but when I saw his name, I was just dying to know what you had to say about him.

We saw him in concert about 5 years ago and it was by far the absolute worst waste of money and time. We obviously were looking for a comedy show and found a very bitter old man that hates the united states. It was very politically charged. Just horrible.

Funny that he is still selling tickets, we have got to get the word out! lol

Lets consider this thread our little contribution to society ~ dont waste your money.