getting motivated to eat


New member
i've been trying to help my gf eat more to put on some weight but half the time its like pulling teeth, anyone have any ideas?


New member
Suggest her to eat food which is rich in nutrition make her eat fruits and meat and drinking milk as well that always works when it comes to gaining weight.Because these are the things which are full of nutritional richness.So try that it will work.


You can help her in this regard. Give her delicious , well garnish and dishes. Tell her the importance of healthy diet and back draws of absence of essential nutrition. Show her people having diseases due to lack of healthy diet. She will motivated surely.


New member
This may seem counterintuitive but I've found the best way to get myself to eat (and gain weight) is increasing exercise. My appetite grows exponentially with just a little exercise and I begin eating many more calories than I am burning during exercise.

For me making eating and weight gain a game is the best motivation. Calorie counting is one way to make it a game. It takes a bit of effort but once you find your weight gain threshold - mine is 3500-4000 calories/day - and see you're able to gain weight when you hit that every day it can be very motivational. Using an iPhone app like Fitness Pal helps a lot. I was able to start gaining 1-2 lbs/week this way, but wasn't able to keep up with it.

Another way to make it a game is just stepping on the scale every morning and then charting the numbser with an iPhone app such as Weight Bot. I gained 20 pounds in 6 months this way. The daily awareness - without any commitment certain foods or number of calories - pushes you to improve every day, and once you see that chart going to the top right it becomes very motivational. Also if you see you are down this week and were up the week before you can think back to what worked and adjust accordingly.

Also I'd suggest looking into exact dosing for enzymes. I was doing a standard 8 enzymes per meal and 6 enzymes per snack without paying too much attention to the exact amount of fat I was taking in. Turns out for many larger meals I should have been taking 10-12 enzymes for the amount of fat I was consuming - those are lost calories if you don't take enough enzymes.

As mentioned above, choosing good foods that she likes helps a lot. I have some go-to foods that are relatively cheap, I know are high in calories, and that I enjoy - Chipotle burritos (1250 cals), whole milk (100+ cals/cup).

Hope that helps! Good luck!


New member
I just want to say, I understand. People (non- CF) tend to think "oh how easy! Just eat!" I'm not saying you think that though! Eating for some CF'ers becomes such a chore that it's no longer enjoyable. They know they need to eat but it's hard. I'm not trying to make excuses, just trying to relate what I know as a mom. We are so constantly focused on getting in 3000 + calories and the majority of recommendations are "drink smoothies, drink supplements". My daughter, can't drink the supplements. She's tried, can't get one more than 1/4 down before gagging. You can only stuff so much food into a person. For example, my daughter's just under 5', has been this size since she was 18. If your gf's not already, try to get her to eat several smaller meals/snacks. Instead of three big meals a day, make it four smaller. My daughter doesn't eat breakfast (her first meal is around 11 after treatments) but her goal is to get in three meals a day and when she can get in four, it's a bonus. Lately, she's been managing to get in 3200 - 3600 cal/day. When I was visiting, I took her out to eat once a day, not feasible for most but she needed a boost. Since I left, she's still managed to get in over 3000. I found a great recipe for a muffin you might want to try out. My daughter really likes them, and she doesn't like much! If you make the giant muffin (which we did not) it has 835 cal/muffin. I made them 501/muffin and Rachel would eat one for breakfast and one as a mid evening snack, some days she'd have one as a midday snack. All with a glass of whole milk. I had a taste and they are good, I was afraid to have more than a thumbnail size bite though, with my luck I'd have put on 5 lbs from that one bite! Nuts are a good snack too. Walnuts especially have alot of calories for a small amount. If she likes smoothies, I found a supplement you can add to a dairy based smoothie that has no taste, it's pure calories in 7grams of liquid. It's called Benecalorie. Rachel went about a week but got tired of smoothies really quick, but it added 330 calories to about a 10 oz size cup/glass of smoothie. My goal is packing in the most calories in the smallest amount of food possible.

For the smoothie, I used the Magic Bullet. I put in frozen fruit, heavy whipping cream, dry milk, yogurt (not greek), pineapple juice & orange juice and one Benecalorie.

Here's the recipe for the muffins.

Super Banana Nut Muffins
1 stick butter (8 Tbs.)
1 ½ c. sugar
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. baking soda
2 medium bananas, mashed (about 1 c.)
½ tsp. vanilla
½ c. sour cream
2 c. chopped walnuts or pecans

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Mix together the butter and sugar, then the eggs.
Mix together the dry ingredients first, then add to the butter/sugar/egg mixture.
Next add the banana, sour cream, and vanilla. Last add the nuts. Place the mixture
into a non-stick pan that has 6 LARGE muffin tins. Bake at 400 degrees F for 25-
30 minutes or until browned.

Nutritional Information (per muffin)
Calories 835
Fat 47gm
Carbohydrate 97gm
Protein 14gm

The recipe caloric value is 5010, I made them in a regular muffin tin and got 10 instead of 6 @ 501/ muffin. Just divide the number of muffins into that 5010 to find out how many calories each has. Rachel also uses an app on her phone that keeps track of calories & carbs. She's CFrD.

Focus on one day at a time. PS, the muffins freeze and defrost well, we tried it.

I hope something here helps. Hugs, I know it's hard.