Getting pregnant with CF?


New member
Ok I have gotten pregnant. I have an almost 3 year old, and she was easy to concive. Well I thought so. I kept bugging my X husband to have a baby and he would always tell my no. Well a friend of mine came to visit and she had just had a baby and i told him that we needed a baby, so he said that we would try 1 time and 1 time only. I told him that we had to do it when I said because he thought that you can get pregnant at anytime. So we try 1 time and WOW we got pregnant. Now my husband and I have tried for 10 months and not a thing. So my question is did you women do anything different to get pregnant.

Sarah w/cf


New member
i've heard that you can use Robitussin to thin the cervical mucus. It can only be the one with guafensin as the main and only ingredient. It cannot be the one used to suppress a cough such as DM or CF. In women with CF, the cervical mucus is thicker making it harder for sperm to travel, so it needs to be thinned. You can also try mucinex, it does the same thing, but drink plenty of water. You need to take it about 4 days leading up to ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day after. If you use Robitussin may the maxium dose thats on the bottle.

Sara w/CF


New member
My husband and I tried to concieve for almost 2 years. And I guess all it took was for him to go out of town on business for a week and when he came home, I was apperently ovulating. I've heard of taking childrens tylenol and robitussin to help with pregnancy. I didn't take any of those, just patience. Congrats on your pregnancy!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> When are you due?

Janice 26 w/cf and expecting for the first time


New member
There is a website built by HollyCatheryn, a forum user,that is a resource for answering just that kind of question. There are many links on there about how to check your fertility and how you can increase or maximize it. There are also lots of links to research to help you make informed choices. I suggest you start there.

Let me try to post the link here: <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

If that's not it or it doesn't work, look for her posts. The address is in her signature.

There are a couple of pages on that site about fertility stuff and then there's one about home remedies that has suggestions like Mucinex and some herbs.


New member
I wish people would check the archives and previous threads before posting. Not that this isn't a good question, but it has only been answered like 50 times in the last couple of years. If you'd look through old posts and threads, you'd find the answer to your question without having to post. You might even get more information that way, because a lot of people quit posting to a thread they know they've already addressed a dozen times.

Do follow up (research) the suggestions posted, but also look up the old threads. And don't just take someone's word for something. Look it up. Educate yourself.


New member
Hey, lighten up. Did you even <b>read</b> the original post? People are sharing their experiences. Besides, your complaint has been made before, so why are you restating it? Maybe you should have just gone to an old thread and read it there.


New member
Searches aren't as easy as you think they are. You pretty much have to know the exact title of what you are looking for. Besides, not everyone has time to read every single post and every single response within every single post. I would say it's a reasonable request of someone who is doing a project or something like that but NOT somebody who is a regular forum user and has come here for advice, support and suggestions.
