Getting social seceuity benefits for child w/CF


New member
I have a friend who has a child with cerebal palsey who receives a social security check each month for him. I just wanted to know if anybody was receiving that for their child that has CF? It would really be nice to recieve that to help pay for meds if possible. If there is someone how did you go about getting that started?


New member
yes it is possible, use the search feature at the top to look up, SSI, SSDI, social security........... and there is a grip of information on how to go about it.


New member
Definitely look into it. It will help your child as an adult also. My mother started to do it when I was diagnosed at 7, but got discouraged, upset or whatever the problem was & walked out. When I applied as an adult 5 years ago it was a real pain in the a--. I was approved upon appeal, but it would have been much easier if the application went in when I was little. The hospital admits, meds etc over the years would have been a real benefit. Even if you are denied.....get the application in. Follow Julie's advice. She knows her stuff!


New member
Yes, I would look into getting SSI. My 4 year old son was recently in the hospital and the nurse asked if he was getting it. I had no idea what she was talking about. I also have a daughter with chromosone 9 q 21.2 q 22.1 deletion. I applied and within 1 month they both got it. I think it matters too if there are 2 in a family. I work part time and my husband works full time. It helps alot, I hope they can continue to get it.

Good luck.


New member
Does anyone know if this is dependent on your income or does CF qualify for coverage regardless of income? thank you.


New member
If you apply for SSDI (Social Security Disability Income) that is based on your work history (in case of a would be the parents work history). If the application is for SSI (Social Security Income) that is determined by income. Some people are eligible for both. Like those who worked long enough to qualitfy for SSDI, but their actual $$ would be low enough to be eligible for SSI. The medical coverage for SSDI after 2 years of being disabled is Medicare (like what senior citizens have at retirement) & with SSI the medical coverage is Medicaid (or similiar depending on each state). Social Security has actual guidelines listed for CF along with other illnesses.


New member
The SSI cap for 2005 is somewhere in the upper $700 range, so if your SSDI benefit was under that $700 cap, you could be a recipient of both but hopefully the SSDI benefit is more than $700ish.

There is a way for a child to get SSDI based off the parents incomebut I am not sure what conquences that poses in the future for the parents when it comes time for them to recieve their social security benefits.

Yes there is an income limit on SSI and if the SSI benefits are for a minor child, they go off of the parents income. If there are 2 children with CF who (might) qualify, that doesn't make a difference. What makes a difference is that there are more prople in the family all together. It raises the amount of income you are "allowed" to have and still qualify as well as raises your SSI benefit.