glyconutrients and psuedomonas


New member
I've been considering the glyconutrients for Erin. Of course, I plan on talking to her doctors and everything first but with all the research I've done on it... I haven't heard anything bad. Just good. But I have a question. As you know, she has psedomonas... is the glyconutrients supposed to help with that too??


New member
Basically, the gylconutrients do not specifically help one thing and not the other. What they are, are products that teach the body how to heal itself. So, in essence, it should get the immune system to do what it needs to do. Thus, yes it quite possibly can be helpful in treating pseudomonas and enhancing whatever meds that Erin is on. e-mail me if you have any other


New member
There was a <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">huge post</a> about glyconutrients recently. Personally - I wouldn't use them until the company releases a double-blind placebo controlled study (The CFF has offered a grant - the company hasn't responded). This makes me quite leery about the company and its products.