Go Lytely.....


New member
is the foulest, most disgusting thing I have ever encountered. I felt like I was drinking dirty ocean water. However, it did work! Anyone with constipation problems- this stuff will clean you out. I've been on Miralax for a week without so much as a drop of poop, and after 40 minutes of drinking Go Lytely I am 4 lbs lighter and much happier <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">.
It's funny you mention this because I just "conviced" (i had to beg for it) my doctor to write me a script for Go Lytely. It works great as an occasional maintenence thing (like Drain-O)!!!

I did it once like 10 years ago and like you said....it's horrible!!

A couple questions. Did you drink all 4liters? I was told to only drink half of it. And did you feel like it got stuff out that had been sitting there for months?? If it is anything like it was 10 years ago, I anticipate feeling much better after doing it.

I find it interesting that the name is called Go Lytely. I know when I took it and once it started into action there was nothing Light about it!



New member
Haley- I actually only drank maybe a 5th of it. I was drinking 8 ounces every 10 minutes, and after about 40 minutes I started gagging and throwing up a little after each sip, so I had to quit. I'm a wimp when it comes to disgusting tastes! It took around 12 hours before it really kicked in, and I may have to drink a little more tonight or tomorrow to get everything out, but it sure feels wonderful after almost a week and a half of no pooping!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>lovingBenandCambree</b></i>

I find it interesting that the name is called Go Lytely. I know when I took it and once it started into action there was nothing Light about it!

Emilee</end quote></div>

LMAO!!! no doubt... i have "experienced" the go lytely... and jenny you said you quit early unable to keep going... that is totally conceivable and if you had kept going the stuff only gets worst and has you sitting on the toilet constantly toward the end. having said that, the stuff does what it is intended to do for sure...


New member
suggestion, for those of you's who have a peg, just put it through that. you get it through ya quicker and plus you taste NOTHING.


New member
They chose a great name for this product as it is difficult to forget the name. I had this after my first transplant surgery and with the second tx-I asked for it and the doctor said, how do you know about this? Well you see the name is hysterical I replied. There are other products on the market.


New member
ugh im going to have to have 5 litres of that stuff soon. ive been putting it off for as long as possible but now i have no choice because im in pain. each glass after about the second is like hell.


New member
I have had to drink this stuff as well and it is beyond gross.

Go lightly is an oxymoron for sure but let me tell you nothing is more hellish for me then giving it to my patients to drink.. esp the ones that are on bed rest.... Holy Moly.. One time when I was a nursing assistant I had two patients on it.. this was before the ER. neither one of my patients could get out of bed or ask for the bed pan.. ANyone want to guess how I spent my 8 hour shift??????

Stuff is more powerful then draino by far,



New member
oh jennifer! <img src="http://forums.vogue.com.au/images/smilies/newsmiles/ill.gif"> <img src="http://forums.vogue.com.au/images/smilies/newsmiles/eusa_sick.gif">


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Wills dr has always let him add something like Crystal Light powder to it- made it more tolerable. I know it says not to but she said that since he wasnt taking it to clean him out for tests it was ok- probably need to check with dr first though.


New member
Seriously WHY do they call it Go Lytely???????

It doesn't make go you "litely." Does anyone know why?

It's the dumbest name in the world.


New member
I have had probably 20 colonoscopies and have to do the golightly thing also. I am due for my next one on march 31. I hate golightly with a passion!!!! I can swallow about 100 pills at once, but I am the biggest baby when it comes to drinking something nasty. I could never be on Fear Factor! I have an old ng tube that I insert when it is golightly time...there is no way I could handle several liters of the stuff.


New member
my docs always give me the option of haveing a ng tube droppeed to do a round of go lightly. But that is because when I finally call for it I have t drink like 2 gallons.


New member
My brother was reading this laughing histerically...He said "go lytely my A#$". He said it is a 2 day event of camping out in the bathroom. Roll the TV in there, a pillow, maybe a blanket, and set up camp for 2 days..Ya ain't leavin'!! He now does magnisium (sp) citrate once a month to avoid the "Go Lytely" nuclear explosion.