Good News for Addison


New member
I just wanted to share some good news. Addison had her third CF appt on Monday and we found out that she is pancreatic sufficient. The dr said that it is highly unlikely that she will develop an insufficiency because her enzyme levels were so high. Finally some good news! Still waiting to find out what the second mutation is though. She still hasn't developed any symptoms so we're keeping our fingers crossed!


New member
That's great news to hear!!! Hope all is going well with her and with your family thusfar!!!


New member
That is so wonderful! I am really happy for your baby<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Hopefully she will avoid alot of the potty problems that my cfer and many others have to deal with.

Great news! Thanks for the update!


Digital opinion leader
That's good news for Addison (and you)! One thing you don't have to worry about.


New member
we had the same news about our son when he was 6 month old, it was a relief to find out that his pancreas is working good. His sweat test came back as normal his mutations are DF508 and RH117