Good News!


New member
Hello Everyone,

Sorry I wasn't able to write, its been pretty hectic here. We are preparing for our 16th Annual Cystic Fibrosis Walk (which we run) and we are having double the people that normally come which is now going to be 250-300 people. I won't be able to share my story until after Sunday, things will be calm by then and I will have more time! I hope you all understand :)

I had a doctor appointment today.....and got some good news! They were not sure I was able to fly or not because of a fairly large cyst in my lung, I had a 50/50 chance of going or not. This trip means everything to me and one of the most incredible journeys I could ever ask for. I will elaborate that after Sunday but just know I am able to make the trip! PFTs are about the same, feeling the same.

Has anybody ever had problems with bactrim or sporanox?