Good news.


New member
Well I'm thinking it's good news. Of course it could be the coup de grace to my health and life, eventually. But I landed the best offer job wise out of all three of the companies I interviewed with. I go in next week for processing and test taking, and then A 40 hour week of orientation.

The place today had a VERY crappy Aetna PPO, I was shocked the secretary lady handed me the entire health plan information. I looked over it, but to be sure I went to Kinkos and faxed it all over to my HR friend, and they went over it for me, and highly recommended that I not accept the position due to just the healthcare plan alone. The guy really wanted me too, and i'm sure the plan would have been fine for a normal healthy guy with relatively no read need for healthcare, but not for a CF, not by a long shot.

After I mentally checked them off my list, I called back the other company that supposedly had the best benefits (major healthcare, 401k matching, etc). The recruiter was unavilable, so I asked the other guy what healthcare company they have, he said "U.S. NOW". I have never ever heard of US NOW. I asked my HR expert if they ever had heard of them, and they said no, which is scary by itself. I googled them, and still couldnt find anything on them just by glancing. I really wanted the matching 401k plans from either company, but I just can't deal with such a questionable healthcare company, name wise.

So I checked both of those off the mental checklist, and called back the bigger company, that was still holding the position that she offered to me yesterday. I asked her what healthcare they had, and the answer was great, it's the same healthcare i'm on now that covers everything and has very low deductibles and stuff. Basically it was the best answer possible. Out of all three companies, I really wanted this one the most. Due to my education I am already qualified for a real sweet position usually reserved for ex-military or law enforcement, but she told me she will put me down on the fairly short list for when that position opens up (It pays quite a bit, and I travel around).

The position I accepted is full time @ 40 hours. It's a 12 hour shift, followed by a 12 hour shift, then two 8 hour shifts, then i'm off the other 3 days of the week. Might sound grueling to some, but i'd rather have two crappy days, then two medium days, then have 3 days off all to myself to relax/whatever.

Here is the interesting news. It's a "bike patrol" job. Meaning for a good part of the time, i'm going to be on a bike, covering fairly decent distances on a very large auto insurance companies property. This will be one sure way to help burn off my slight love handles and gut for sure. I figure as long as I stay healthy and let OO and proper sleep and diet do it's thing, I hopefully will be ok.

The bad news is, as irony would have it, me proclaiming my good health and being clear for a while, my sinuses got filled with goo, and just like clockwork, started draining into my lungs. You guys know it's pretty much impossible to not get congested lungs if you have a real bad stuffed up/runny nose with tons of snot flowing like a river. I am now doing 3 OO nebs a day for now, and on a ton of nose sprays. I woke up today and I had quite a bit of goo in my lungs, and hit up the vest real hard and got rid of a ton of stuff. I figure if I keep on the vest and double up on the OO, I might be able to get rid of it on my own. If not, I can just call in some oral antibiotics to help get rid of my sinus crap. I hate sinusitis!

Anyways, it wasn't the best possible job i could get with that company (I really wanted that roamer position), but this is still really good for me. I'll get my foot in the door, bide my time (hopefully only a couple of months), and then hope to land that real highend gig with them.

I just hope my nose/lungs clear up...How sucky would it be if I started working and right afterwards fell down to nearly hospital admission levels? The bad news is the benefits don't kick in for 90 days. The good news is I think I found a way to deal with that. Oh well, this will be interesting atleast. Maybe I might kill myself in the process, but atleast I tried. Regret is very expensive and I hope I don't ride that train down into obliteration. But I wasn't happy where I was as far as point in life wise and opportunity/quality of life wise. I knew something had to change. Too bad the only way to find out is sink or swim, and I already have a knock against me before I got in the pool.

Oh well, just thought i'd share.


New member
Congratulations SD on the job. From your previous post, I could tell how much you wanted to start working. It may not be the job you really wanted, but in the long run, the health care plan will make up for it.
I'm sorry to hear about your sinuses. I have really bad sinus problems too. I hope they clear up pretty soon 4 u.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sarabeth87</b></i>

Congratulations SD on the job. From your previous post, I could tell how much you wanted to start working. It may not be the job you really wanted, but in the long run, the health care plan will make up for it.

I'm sorry to hear about your sinuses. I have really bad sinus problems too. I hope they clear up pretty soon 4 u.</end quote></div>

Yeah the thing is, the OO keeps my lungs crystal clear, and i'm positive nothing would have happened congestion wise if it wasn't for my lame sinuses. Before the OO though, if my nose got bad, it was ALWAYS going to my lungs and then I was in the hospital or on IV's. Now, with agressive use of the vest, and adding more OO neb wise, i'm not 1/10 as bad as I have been in the past. Still not 100% due to the snot having to go somewhere, but I'm still real good compared to the past.

I think i will get the gig I really want a lil ways down the road. I charmed the pants off this lady, so if I show I can bust my hump and be a smart and punctual employee who doesn't F up, I bet I land that gig after just a couple months. But man 12 hours of bike patroling, i'll be like lance armstrong leg wise heh.


New member
all that biking should be good for your health. where i work, i always show up early and stay late. it really does leave a good impression when you go the extra mile. i work in an office for 10 hrs a day. Suppose to only be 8 hrs, but a couple xtra don't hurt. i know my job is much easier than bike patroling


Congratulations Sean of your new job. All that biking sounds like it will be good exercise so it looks like it's a win/win for you.

I'm proud of you Sean. I'm a little nervous about your health, but you know your body better than anyone else.

CONGRATS! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


Super Moderator
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>SeanDavis</b></i>

I will also submit before and after naked pics of my butt and my legs if you guys want lolz.</end quote></div>

That is what the off topic "Joke" section is for ya know!

Anyway, congrats on all the opportunities coming your way.


New member

Sounds like a great Job !!!!

Good for You,,,,, but I don't really think I care to see the butt pics..........

I went back to work today after 3 weeks off, I am beat, but okay,,,

Congrats Sean,,,,,, Did You say Your getting a New Corvett !!!


New member
Congrats Sean!! Biking for 12 hours a day, great exercise for the lungs and legs. Maybe that's the kind of job I need. Glad to hear everything worked out well for you.

I've been wondering how Aetna insurance was for cfers, you kinda just answered my question. We had it in the past before dd was born and hated it, it always seemed like nothing was covered and what was took forever to be paid. It was a constant struggle. Anybody else out there have Aetna? If so, how is the coverage for CF?


New member
I had my last official beer celebration tonight. I will be sleep/dogs not barking anal guy for a while to come.


New member
Is the reason you're stopping drinking beer is cos of ure new job then?!

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">