
Goodbye everybody
I am not in the hospital anymorre so I wont be chattin anymore!
Your Friend Biscutie<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Mockingbird, I saw the anonymous post that seeems to have since disappeared, and I was going to comment but decided just to report it. I hope Lacey comes back sometime.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Well, I've got your back. But they are probably thinking the same thing about me too.
Do you know Lacey or did you just kind of befriend her on the site? I hope she hasn't disappeared for good.

Looking around, Ive noticed that not too many people seemed to respond to her posts. I remember what it was like being a teenager and struggling with life, then all the female issues on top of it, and I can't imagine how I would (or wouldn't have) handled it with CF thrown in there too. Lacey, if you are reading this-please stick around and if you want someone to talk to email me at

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I saw that anon post too and was like, 'jeesh, somebody has a problem' I wonder did that person even know biscuite. As far as I know, from what she posted, she doesnt have the internt at home or something because she was only able to post because she was in hospital. Shamrock, x


New member
Sorry, I realise she said that in this topic, I thought it was somewhere else thats why I pointed it out. Shamrock x