Well, it's been a while since I've been on. We were waiting for the blood test results to come back, for my grandson, and we just got them this afternoon.
My grandson has the deltaf508. I've been reading up on this and I've found that most information states this is the most common, yet most severe. What does that mean exactly??? I'm very worried about the Little Man and pray that he stays healthy.
Can someone please enlighten me regarding this mutation.
Thank you.
MomMomx2 to Seth & CiCi
My grandson has the deltaf508. I've been reading up on this and I've found that most information states this is the most common, yet most severe. What does that mean exactly??? I'm very worried about the Little Man and pray that he stays healthy.
Can someone please enlighten me regarding this mutation.
Thank you.
MomMomx2 to Seth & CiCi