Grandson gaining weight


New member
Yesterday, our grandson John went to our CF clinic for his 2nd visit there, he's just over 1 month old. He gained 2 lbs. in two weeks, yippeeeee! We're very happy. His doctor increased his endzymes from 1/2 capsule at each feeding to 3/4 because he still can get ravionous 1-2 times a day. I'm celebrating each good thing. It's how you live that counts. cfnan7.


New member
What great news Nana! Love to hear of good doctor visits. Gaining weight--we didn't know Kaylee had cf until she was 1yr-old. She lost weight and looked so sickly. It's good that you found out so soon. Grandkids are so wonderful, aren't they?


New member
That is wonderful news. You and your family must be so happy and also proud of themeslves. It isn't easy to have a CFer gain weight. Good for them!!