Hi Christi, we use a Business Sponsor form to send to businesses along with our letter or to take in to the places we hand deliver. We just made up our own form but the CFF has one that you can get from the gals in Indy, they are great! Have you been in touch with them yet? If not, you should give them a call. For the people (some who donate through their businesses) that we know might want to walk and/or fundraise, we send basically the same form with a few extra things on it and call it a Walker/Sponsor form.
I can email you some of our forms if you like, just send me an email: kellimmyers@hotmail.com but it may take me a day or two since I am not online much these days!!
Hope this helps!
Kelli - mom of Sydney 2.5 wcf and baby boy nocf due 5/6