Great Strides Walk


New member
Our walk is tomorrow. What is the usaual done at ya'll walks? Do you have games, clowns, music? The last three that we have attended have been ok. We usually talk about updates on the local CFers. Then we have a nice "rose ceromony". 65 Roses are give out to one person on a team and they call out the name of the CFer. Then as the name is called we put the rose back in the vase. Very emotional for me...I cry everytime!!!! They also read the 65 Roses story. After the walk they have raffle tickets drawn and give a prize varying from books to dinners for 2. They have a wall of pictures that have our CFers on it. Then we have subway donate lunch and Papa Johns Pizza. Of course we socialize etc. and then we leave.


New member
I will be interested in seeing what goes on at our walk this is my first year for it as ashton is only 6 mo so i cant wait ours is may 20....



New member
Our walk is on the 17th. Can't wait! Gonna be like 100° <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> But I'm riding so it's gonna be alot easier, and funner for me.


Digital opinion leader
Our walk is later in May. My boys have been sick so I don't have as much energy to do all we usually do to raise $. But we have a core team. Our site does a cookout afterwards and a ceremony before. A local music teacher plays the star spangled banner in memory of a former cfer student. We have a ribbon cutting to start the walk which is always cut by a young cf kid. Like you, I find the whole event very emotional and usually cry through the whole thing. Its very uplifting even so.

Have a great day!



Staff member
Our walk is in a couple of weeks. This morning a group is heading to the capitol for a photo op with the governor for CF Awareness month. Interviewed with the local weekly paper last week and they did a nice article on our family and awareness and the walk

There are so many other fundraiser walks going on right now that people are getting tired of being hit up for donations.

I'm on the walk committee and the rep from the CFF thinks we should have clowns, games, entertainment afterwards, and most of us just want to walk, find out how much money was raised and go home. We did manage to get a bagpiper to volunteer and lead us out of the park for our walk. That should be fun!



New member
This is out of the blue but has anyone walked the noblesville indiana walk?? Im very bummed on how these walks get promoted! you se the race for the cure advertisements everywhere but never great strides!! and also do you get a list of events for the day when you are a team leader or just show up nd wait and see..



New member

You should e-mail the Indiana Chapter at or call them at 1-800-622-4826. I walk in Fort Wayne, Indiana and we have a wonderful representative from there, Jen Milewski, but each person there is assigned several walks and they should have a specific person for you to talk to and they usually have a meeting or two before the walk.

As for walks in general. We are sponsored by our local minor league baseball team, so our walk is in th e evening, 5pm, then we get free food donated by Fazoli's and Coca Cola, and each walker gets two free tickets to the baseball game, it's a lot of fun. This is only our second year walking, however, we have never had any type of ceremony or anything.


New member
Yea we have had 2 meetings but havent really gotten any details on the walk itself thats why i was checking.. i just know when it starts where it starts and thats about it.



Staff member
Okay, I indicated on the adult forum that I would post the link for the article they did on our family for CF Awareness Month and the Great Strides Walk. Unforunately, it's one of those newspapers that you have to register on -- guess they like to keep track of who views their publication. So if you're interested, it's on the website or the link is...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="§ion=Features


New member
Our walk is May 20th also....this is my first year too so I am not sure what goes on. Cheyenne's doctor is deciding if she can go or not, if she cant then I cant, cause I dont leave her with just anyone...and everyone else will be with me....its a loose, loose situation.


New member
If you've got a large group of family and friends, your child will probably just want to hang around with you anyway. Last year DS pretty much played with his cousins, hung out in his stroller. Liza


New member
Our walk on May 20th includes a musician, silent auctions, raffles, food from the Iowa Machine Shed, pizza, ice cream, drinks, snacks, breakfast from Panera, the walk itself, and a brief message before we start. There's a playground and plenty of space to spread out. We are going to get coverage from a news channel before and hopefully during the walk, and we are talking with a radion station now about a possible 'big' prize or at least free publicity. Our walk raised more then the walk for a cure last year, but it was amazing how much publicity they had and we didn't.


New member
WHOO HOOO, another person who knows something about CF in my area.
I used to live in Va Beach, but recently moved to Norfolk!
Feel free to email me @ if you'd like.


Staff member
The local bagpipers have agreed to lead us out on our walk. Probably be a smaller group this year 'cuz a couple major teams have people with health problems. Oh well, we'll still have fun. Liza

Oh, as part of the nationwide great strides campaign -- airgas is going to have two orange county choppers touring the nation the next couple of months. For a $5 donation you can have your photo taken with a chopper. Check out the site for details or a calendar for events in your area.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
This is our families first walk too. It's in Richmond, VA on May 20. I don't know if we raised a lot of money, but I'll take whatever we can. I think right now it's a little over $3,000.


Staff member
Here's a local article about a newly diagnosed family in our area who is participating in our walk!

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


Trying to get in touch with Leah from Chesapeake. Are you the Leah who graduated from Churchland HS? I met you at CHKD (Brenda's friend) and wanted to get in touch.


email me