Great Strides Walks



Hi, I'm new here and my name is Lucy. I'm 16 years old and live in California. I don't have CF, but I am very interested in volunteering at CF events and helping out as much as I possibly can.

I'm going to be attending a Great Strides Walk as a volunteer this coming fall. I've never been to one before, but I'm very excited to go and help out. I just have a few questions.

How many of you as teenagers/young people have attended the walks before? If so, do you have any complaints about them or changes you would like to see made? If you've never attended a walk before, do you have any specific reasons for not going?

I'm attending a committee meeting soon and would like to share some opinions from people who do have CF.

I hope this is okay to post here. Thanks if you read all of that.


Hi, I'm new here and my name is Lucy. I'm 16 years old and live in California. I don't have CF, but I am very interested in volunteering at CF events and helping out as much as I possibly can.

I'm going to be attending a Great Strides Walk as a volunteer this coming fall. I've never been to one before, but I'm very excited to go and help out. I just have a few questions.

How many of you as teenagers/young people have attended the walks before? If so, do you have any complaints about them or changes you would like to see made? If you've never attended a walk before, do you have any specific reasons for not going?

I'm attending a committee meeting soon and would like to share some opinions from people who do have CF.

I hope this is okay to post here. Thanks if you read all of that.


Hi, I'm new here and my name is Lucy. I'm 16 years old and live in California. I don't have CF, but I am very interested in volunteering at CF events and helping out as much as I possibly can.

I'm going to be attending a Great Strides Walk as a volunteer this coming fall. I've never been to one before, but I'm very excited to go and help out. I just have a few questions.

How many of you as teenagers/young people have attended the walks before? If so, do you have any complaints about them or changes you would like to see made? If you've never attended a walk before, do you have any specific reasons for not going?

I'm attending a committee meeting soon and would like to share some opinions from people who do have CF.

I hope this is okay to post here. Thanks if you read all of that.


Hi, I'm new here and my name is Lucy. I'm 16 years old and live in California. I don't have CF, but I am very interested in volunteering at CF events and helping out as much as I possibly can.

I'm going to be attending a Great Strides Walk as a volunteer this coming fall. I've never been to one before, but I'm very excited to go and help out. I just have a few questions.

How many of you as teenagers/young people have attended the walks before? If so, do you have any complaints about them or changes you would like to see made? If you've never attended a walk before, do you have any specific reasons for not going?

I'm attending a committee meeting soon and would like to share some opinions from people who do have CF.

I hope this is okay to post here. Thanks if you read all of that.


Hi, I'm new here and my name is Lucy. I'm 16 years old and live in California. I don't have CF, but I am very interested in volunteering at CF events and helping out as much as I possibly can.
<br />
<br />I'm going to be attending a Great Strides Walk as a volunteer this coming fall. I've never been to one before, but I'm very excited to go and help out. I just have a few questions.
<br />
<br />How many of you as teenagers/young people have attended the walks before? If so, do you have any complaints about them or changes you would like to see made? If you've never attended a walk before, do you have any specific reasons for not going?
<br />
<br />I'm attending a committee meeting soon and would like to share some opinions from people who do have CF.
<br />
<br />I hope this is okay to post here. Thanks if you read all of that.
Well I do have CF and it really depends where the walk is. I went to one this year and the number varies. But thanks for getting involved! You'll be helping a lot of people!
Well I do have CF and it really depends where the walk is. I went to one this year and the number varies. But thanks for getting involved! You'll be helping a lot of people!
Well I do have CF and it really depends where the walk is. I went to one this year and the number varies. But thanks for getting involved! You'll be helping a lot of people!
Well I do have CF and it really depends where the walk is. I went to one this year and the number varies. But thanks for getting involved! You'll be helping a lot of people!
Well I do have CF and it really depends where the walk is. I went to one this year and the number varies. But thanks for getting involved! You'll be helping a lot of people!


okay- here's my two cents (and why I don't go to great strides any more)
We got a letter that un-invited us from cf events. (I don't have anything "bad" per se like cepacia) So- if they don't want me there- the dont want my money there either. Yup.


okay- here's my two cents (and why I don't go to great strides any more)
We got a letter that un-invited us from cf events. (I don't have anything "bad" per se like cepacia) So- if they don't want me there- the dont want my money there either. Yup.


okay- here's my two cents (and why I don't go to great strides any more)
We got a letter that un-invited us from cf events. (I don't have anything "bad" per se like cepacia) So- if they don't want me there- the dont want my money there either. Yup.


okay- here's my two cents (and why I don't go to great strides any more)
We got a letter that un-invited us from cf events. (I don't have anything "bad" per se like cepacia) So- if they don't want me there- the dont want my money there either. Yup.


okay- here's my two cents (and why I don't go to great strides any more)
<br />We got a letter that un-invited us from cf events. (I don't have anything "bad" per se like cepacia) So- if they don't want me there- the dont want my money there either. Yup.