Greys Anatomy


New member
Did anyone watch tonights episode? They had a CF patient on it, I didnt get to watch the whole show so I don't really know how they took it on. Just curious if anyone else watched.


We taped it, watched the beginning, saw there was a segment about CF and watched only that part (which was good but sad).


New member
Would you mind giving us a synopsis of what happened? I haven't seen Cf on Tv since that one Er episode. After which my husband turned to me and said " I'd kill you. OR haunt you. Whichever came first." That was a good but sad episode too....


New member
I thought that was what it was. I caught it late and totally missed the beginning (I was watching Des. Housewives before that). But the kid who had CF ended up dying in the end in the middle of surgery. I wish I could have seen the whole thing but I never watch that show but it just happened to catch my attention. I didn' t hear them mention CF but like I said, I missed the beginning.


New member
I watched it. Again, they really didn't say what CF was. They kind of assumed everyone watching knew what it was and why this guy had all of these other problems too. Like he was a tri-athlete which would be amazing, but to the average viewer, they wouldn't realize the power of it. So I thought it was ok, but brief. I too really like that show. I did send the kids to bed when they realized the show was talking about CF--I figured the outcome wasn't going to be positive.


New member
I saw it too. It caught me by surprise b/c they really didn't say too much about it. He was in the hospital for stomach related issues and they had to do some kind of surgery with his intestines. He dies during surgery. It did mention he was 26 and ran marathons. I like the show but thought more should have been said in general about the disease


New member
I watched it earlier (I Tivo'ed it). They didn't really mention anything about what CF is or why he was having problems with his pancreas. They did say that he was a triathlete! That would be amazing!! I think it is still really cool that they mentioned it. Most of the time people have NO clue what CF is or that it even exists.


New member
Yeah, I was a little disappointed. The doctors acted like it was this great case but they hardly explained anything (like why it's amazing that a 26 year old CFer can run marathons!!!). I wouldn't say it was inaccurate, just incomplete.


New member
ok, if anyone is going to give away anymore episodes, please type '*SPOILER* before your thread title. that way us aussies who are 2 weeks behind on greys anatomy dont get our episodes spoilt! this goes for any tv show.

sorry to be anal. i will be quiet now.


I'm completely in the dark about this...maybe two weeks after it shows in Aussie, you can tell me the details, too.
I don't get ER, either (Unless if I purchase the entire Season packets. or rent one at at time until next spring...)

To change the subject slightly, there was mention in one of the Schwartzenegger movies (The 6th Day) related to cloning, which they used a CF gene on someone and gave little, but some mention about the CF history.


New member
The 6th Day movie was discussed awhile back. It was portrayed in such a negative form. The basis of the movie was to kill off the less than perfect people so they could have a young, vibrant, "perfect" society & an elderly women was killed off by "CF". I dont remember how exactly it came about. I just remember her not believing it because it was a "childhood" illness.