Growth charts


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Not quite sure what you are asking - If you are asking where our children fall on the growth chart, my daughter is at the 25% at 21 months. This is thanks to a g-tube placed six months ago. Prior to the g-tube she was at about 6%.

Maria (mother of three daughters, the youngest Samantha w/cf)


Wow that is pretty good! No I have to sons w/cf 25 and 5 months just want to know if other kids w/cf are on the charts mine are not.


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Prior having any lung involvement, my daughter was in the 95th percentile for height/weight. After 10 years of lung involvement, she is now in about the 5th percentile.


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Zach was on the 50th percentile for both height and weight at birth. He was 7 lbs. 13.5 ounces and 20 and 3/4 inches long. At his 2 month check up this past Tuesday, he weighed 8 lbs, 8 ounces and was 22 inches long ... 5th percentile. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


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My twins are 3 1/2 months old and they weigh 10 lbs 14 oz and 11 lbs 3 oz. they are over 50th percent in height and I think around 30-40th percent in weight!! YAY<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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My 5yr old weighs 30 pounds and is in the 5th percentile, my 6yr old is 40 pounds and in the 15th%. My 23m old is 30 pounds and in the 50th%


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My three-year old is in the 25% for weight and 60% for height. My 17 month old (both have cf) is in the 75% for weight and 95% for height. I learned a lot from my daughter's eating problems. She is finally at the 25% where they want her. She had a feeding tube as a baby due to a food refusal related to a milk allergy. As a result, she has gone through a lot of food problems. I still have to feed her almost every bite, but at least she is eating as much as I want her to in the past few months, even if it takes forever! I knew when my son was born (with cf), I was going to leave the feeding completely up to him. If he was done before I thought he should be, fine with me, meal is over. If he decides he doesn't want a bite of dinner and hasn't had anything to eat since lunch. Fine, he will eat tomorrow. I also wasn't going to feed him once he got past baby food. It was up to him to put the food in his own mouth. Thankfully, it has worked out.


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My 2 yr old just made the charts finally!! Since his diagnosis anyway. Before that he was off the charts small. Now, 8 months later he's gained 10 pounds and is in the 20 percentile for weight and about 15 for height. He's a shorty but a cutey!!!!!



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my daughter 10.5lbs. at 2 month check up was 6.11lbs. when she came home at a week. so she is around the 53% mark I think. But hasn't been on any enzymes or anything. How about these others that have replyed? Are your kids on enzymes or anything to help them gain?


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I'm struggling to get onto the weight part of the growth chart. I have clinic tomorrow so I'l find out if I've FINALLY made it on!
female 17 w/cf


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Once we put my son on enzymes and knew that he needed high calorie meals and snacks, he put on the weight.



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My daughter started enzymes at three months. Her body seemed to take a long time adjusting to the enzymes. Sometimes she would gain, other times she wouldn't gain an ounce. She has also had a lot of respiratory issues since about four months. I think she spent a lot of her calories just on breathing!

Despite the enzymes, she still slipped on the growth charts every month until she finally hit about 6%. The doctors basically said that there would be no way for her to battle the respiratory problems and catch up on weight without a g-tube. She has never really taken to solid foods. She picks at things here and there. She seems to cough after eating some solids. She has reflux and is taking Prilosec and Zantac.

She has improved with the g-tube (up to 35% at one point, now back down to 25%), but still has problems putting on weight and wanting to eat. Even with the g-tube there are times when she just does not seem to tolerate getting pumped up with formula. I keep waiting for the day when she will want to eat.

Maria (mother of Samantha w/cf)


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4 year old son is at 40% height and 60% weight. He has little respiratory problems so far but does suffer from pancreatic insufficiency. He was diagnosed just 1 year ago and was barely on the growth charts (less than 10% for both height and weight). The enzymes have helped him gain weight and we are trying to keep him chubby for as long as possible.


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my 3 1/2 year old son is 28lbs his doctor not worried, I am!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


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Hi guys went to clinic today, my weight is up!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> but am still not on the chart yet but am VERY close! my dietition was happy but the new student doctor wasn't so much.
"hmm your weight is quite low" she said
"I know but its up from last time" i replied
"yes but you're still not on the chart!" UHHHHHHH! Talk about putting a dampner on things!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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My daughter is 3 and weighs 30lbs exactly. I'm not sure what % that is............ It's very frustrating for me to constantly worry about her weight and what she eats.