Hey everyone! Just wanted to update that I had our baby girl on October 27th! Her name is Maya (pronounced like Maya Angelou). She was born at 39 weeks and weighed 6lbs 15oz. Since there are a couple questions about mutations and pregnancy on the forums, mine are DF508/S945L.The delivery went well and we went home the next day. Everything is going well, but I'm a little more sleep deprived than I thought I'd be! LOL. I thought I had prepared myself for the lack of sleep, but there's really no way to prepare. Also it's a battle to find time for treatments but I'm getting them in. On that note, I have a question for you moms out there. I'm exclusively breastfeeding and it's going well, however, the most sleep I get is about a 3 hr stretch. Also, as a mentioned, treatments are hard and it seems the minute i fire up my nebs and vest, she is hungry. I don't know that I've finished a vest treatment in one setting yet! I always have to come back to it. My husband and my mom are worried about my health and want me to try giving her a bottle (of breastmilk) so they can help out and I can do treatments or sleep for a longer stretch. I know that the lactation consultant said to wait til at least 4 weeks to introduce a bottle so I'm very apprehensive to do this. I don't want her to only take the bottle from this point on. So please let me know what your thoughts are on this. She'll be two weeks on Thursday. Did any of you introduce a bottle early? I know what the guidelines are but I'm also trying to balance this with my health because I'll be no good to her if I get sick. Another question for those of you on SSDI. If you had your child after you were on SSDI, how did you go about getting their benefits? The SSA website says I have to go into the office and take her social security card. Throughout the whole application process I never had to go in, and to be honest I'm trying to avoid since I look "healthy". I'm wondering if there isn't a way to do it online like I've done everything else. Please let me know how you went about it.Well i better go! Thanks in advance for any advice!Autumn