<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">Hi have been browsing this website for a while. I have a little bubby Benjamin 6 months with CF diagnosed from 4 days old when he had a blocked bowel. He spent the first 6 weeks in hospital after an operation which they removed 20 cm of his bowel. We have been coasting along great for 6 months but had our first trip to the hospital last week. Finally home again with many sleepless nights. He was in hospital for a gastro problem and has been pooing like you wouldn`t beleive. I was just wondering if i should cut back his enzymes to half as i have been advised to do so. Mind you the diarrea problem is not even cf related but because he has a short gut everything is going through. Is there any one out there with the same problem? Benjamin poos about 8 times a day normally and through the night, but since this problem has arisen its about 20 times a day. Was just wondering if anyone could help as his bottom is red raw and bleeding. I have tried every cream you could think of any ideas i would be so grateful. It just breaks my heart to see him suffering like that and i feel like it could have been prevented. Sometimes i have so many different doctors telling me so many different things. Still learning i suppose.
Donna 2 w/o cf 1 w/cf
Donna 2 w/o cf 1 w/cf