Harry Potter and the half blood prince



I thought it was excellent as well. Although, my personal opinion, I don't think the person that died actually *died* but that's just me and my theories.


New member
Dont say anymore!!! I havent read it & dont want to. I want to see what the next movie shows because my daughter is a big fan. Her reading level isnt up to the Harry Potter books yet so I dont buy them yet.


New member
Well don't read this thread then.... Candice, I don't think the person who died actually died either. And even though everything is pointing against Snape right now, I still think he's good too. Mike's mom has this whole theory about the death and Snape and how it all ties together.


New member
No you're wrong you're wrong I tell you! The person who died did die! Im almost certain i read that in a jk rowling interview yesterday, like they asked her was that person really dead and she said yeah but apparently we learn more about that person in book 7!

Shamrock, x


New member
Well I don't mean he's going to reappear. But remember how he explained to Harry that phoenixes when they die, burst into flames and then are reborn out of the ashes? If I remember correctly, at the funeral, he burst into flames and Harry thought he saw the shape of a phoenix rise out of the fire.


New member
Ok, I read a magazine with some clues in it, and they suggested that R.A.B was maybe Regulas Black, Sirius's brother who was killed a few days after fleeing Voldemort. Also, they said to keep an eye out for minor characters playing bigger roles, like the barman of the hog's head (I just realized that he is Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore's brother who was convicted of doing charms on goats). If you read in Book 5, during the first D.A. meeting there, Harry notices the long gray beard.."vaguely familiar"... They also mention him later on.
I also read a poll on the web that says that a lot of people are thinking that Harry dies in book 7...like, self-sacrifice to save his friends...that would really stink, but wouldn't that hold true with Trelawny's predictions of early and gruesome death? I know that she's not often right, but hey, in book 6, she mentioned to Harry how she felt a sense of doom coming ever closer, when she did the tarot cards she got the lightening over a tower....the dark mark over the astronomy tower, where the person was killed?


<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Whoah, emily, good thinking! And buggygirl, I hope you're not right. I read on the leaky-cauldron suspisions about Petunia. Like Dumbledore saying when they met, 'Oh you must be Aunt Petunia, we've corresponded' And Harry was shocked cas he was only aware one howler had been sent...and Jk herself said, theres someone out there who learns magic at an advanced age and also on another occasion said, theres more to her then meets the eye....


Spoilers down there if you don't want to know certain things about the book don't read!

Actually as I was reading HP I *knew* who was going to die. [Accidently read a spoiler on the net] but I wasn't sure. Anyway... As I was reading some things kinda popped out at me. Why was snape suddenly appointed D.A.D.A.? And they suddenly started doing wordless spells. Coincidental I think. [I think he's not dead, wasn't even killed but that's just me theory] Anyway I believe too that snape is totally good. And that snape talked to dumbledore about this whole thing and planned ahead. And while up in the tower why did Dumbledore put that spell on Harry. Harry had already agreed to do exactly what dumbledore had said. I think dumbledore wanted harry to stay up there and watch. I mean if nobody from the 'good' side was up there then they wouldn't know what had happened, or even that snape did that thing that he promised to do and fulfilling the unforgiving bond.
And then at so-and-so's funeral his body is not shown, just wrapped under the cloth. [I think that some kind of spell had been preformed and set up between the person that died and snape] I also have other theories about the portraits in the headmasters office, and fawkes too.
I think it just makes too much sense, him being 'dead' and then possibly showing up in book #7. I mean what wouldn't you expect. That.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> but that's just me.


New member
*Warning spoilers below!*

Yeah I've heard a lot of people say they think Snape is good. Like look how when he's running and Harry calls him a coward, his expression is like that of Fang whos in the burning house,almost inhumane. And was it prehaps a secret lesson when he shouts 'blocked again, and it will continue to be until u learn to shut your mind and your mouth Potter' (not exact words but you get my drift)....