Has anyone heard about this?


New member
A few days ago my mom called to tell me that, she sawon the news about a new asthma treatment that helps with getting rid of mucus and may also benefit cf patients. The next day she saw where they were talking about a new antibiotic that gets rid of infections that others cant. I myself hardly ever watch the news so i didnt see this, and it hasnt been in the newspaper. Does anyone know about either? It would be awesome if we finally have a new weapon. Thanks, ~Diane


New member
Hi Diane,Yes it is a new drug compound that was discovered that significantly reduces excess mucus.So far the test results were pretty outstanding.The tests were performed on asthmatic mice, but still a important step as I don't believe anything had been as effective as this had been.If you want to go to a website to see further details go to google.com type cysticfibrosis and then click on news.It can take you to all the information you want.I hope this helps.Rebekahmum of 9mth old CF


New member
Hi Diane,My sister called yesterday and told me about this. It was developed at UNC. I believe it is called SANS. Don't quote me on that. It is suppose to eliminate up to 80% of mucus production.


New member
It is called MANS: Check out this CNN website... http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/01/11/reducing.mucus.ap/index.html