has anyone seen my voice?


New member
=-) 'cause i lost it. =-) It usually doesn't happen unless i'm sick, but my voice has been turning to crap lately for no apparent reason. It's really annoying, especially when i'm on the phone or something and people can't hear what I'm saying. I try to talk louder, but then it goes out completely. Anyone else had problems with that?

22 w/cf


New member
I think this is a side effect of Pulmozyme plus any kind of stress on the voice--a cold, yelling at a basketball game, etc. Once it took my daughter a full month to get her voice back. I remember when she first started Pulmozyme, she also lost her voice for a period of time.


New member
I think it's just having CF that makes our voice kind of weird. I can always tell who has CF. I was watching this show about beauty pagents and there was this girl and she was talking to the camera and I just knew she had CF she just had that voice and sure enough she did! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Mine is pretty crappy most of the time.


New member
i think it mostly starts going from the Pulmozyme, well ive been taking pulmozyme since it came out...so i just figure my voice is deeper in general/sinc ei got older...which makes no sense really bc im a girl....but anyways....when im on TOBI i loose my voice usually completely for at least like 2-7days when im ont it....this time though ive lost its 2x, it sucks!...but it ALWAYS happens when im my ON TOBI month--sucks! oh well
i just got my voice back 2 days ago, after a week of not having a voice!....but in general my voice is deeper, and im told its from all the inhalations oh well
later! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
heh, heh, yeah, I go through that stuff, too, but now my voice is different. It's like a croak now, before it was more of a rasp. I don't want the croak voice! i was happy with the rasp! Oh, well, maybe I cat get a job as a guy in a frog suit, or something. =-)


New member
my voice went away, when I inhaled Tobi and stayed away for weeks even after I stopped to inhale it. My doctors did not have a solution, then a doctor, where I was for something else said, I should try voltaren tablets (my "voice-bands"(? I´m not shure about the english word) were swollen, and he said voltaren stops swelling). I tried it and my voice was back nearly at once.
I did never again inhale Tobi!!!



New member
I think our constant coughing also plays a part in altering our voices. I used to sing in a band years ago, and i can tell a big difference the years have played on my voice. Certain notes i cant hit anymore, ( or hold as long). And Tobi does sometimes make my voice raspy which is such an annoying feeling. Always feels like.... if only i could clear my throat real hard my normal voice would emerge.
~Diane 40 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia