
New member
*sigh* does anyone ever get unbearably fed up with all the fuss about weight gain? i've come to the point where the doctors are satisfied with my weight and i dont need to gain more, but i am not happy with my weight. im lazy, and need need neeeed to be more active XD im not fat, i just feel...pudgy. donno...i think part of it is this always present scar running the expanse of my stomach. *anger* im afraid if i get a bit healthier and lose a few pounds, everyone around me will blow a gasket. muscle gain is what i'm aiming for, but first i need to get motivated, and lose some fat. =n= help please.


New member
*sigh* does anyone ever get unbearably fed up with all the fuss about weight gain? i've come to the point where the doctors are satisfied with my weight and i dont need to gain more, but i am not happy with my weight. im lazy, and need need neeeed to be more active XD im not fat, i just feel...pudgy. donno...i think part of it is this always present scar running the expanse of my stomach. *anger* im afraid if i get a bit healthier and lose a few pounds, everyone around me will blow a gasket. muscle gain is what i'm aiming for, but first i need to get motivated, and lose some fat. =n= help please.


New member
*sigh* does anyone ever get unbearably fed up with all the fuss about weight gain? i've come to the point where the doctors are satisfied with my weight and i dont need to gain more, but i am not happy with my weight. im lazy, and need need neeeed to be more active XD im not fat, i just feel...pudgy. donno...i think part of it is this always present scar running the expanse of my stomach. *anger* im afraid if i get a bit healthier and lose a few pounds, everyone around me will blow a gasket. muscle gain is what i'm aiming for, but first i need to get motivated, and lose some fat. =n= help please.


New member
I know what you mean. My nutrition team will never be satisfied with my weight because I refuse to get up to where they want me. They'd like me to be about 135lbs, but when I was that weight, I felt horrible and I hated how I looked (and I'm not that much of a vain person).

I asked them what my healthy BMI range was, and I decided I'd put myself right in the middle of that, at 126-127lbs. I feel good, I look good, and I'm comfortable where I'm at. I told my team straight out, that I was going to take their words into account, but I was going to decided what weight to live at. I know the risks of being this weight, and I work hard to maintain it.

Of course, they still get on me about it, but I try to just let it roll off me. I figure as long as I'm in the healthy range, and taking care of myself, then I can be happy. It's no more than what every other person on the planet would do.


New member
I know what you mean. My nutrition team will never be satisfied with my weight because I refuse to get up to where they want me. They'd like me to be about 135lbs, but when I was that weight, I felt horrible and I hated how I looked (and I'm not that much of a vain person).

I asked them what my healthy BMI range was, and I decided I'd put myself right in the middle of that, at 126-127lbs. I feel good, I look good, and I'm comfortable where I'm at. I told my team straight out, that I was going to take their words into account, but I was going to decided what weight to live at. I know the risks of being this weight, and I work hard to maintain it.

Of course, they still get on me about it, but I try to just let it roll off me. I figure as long as I'm in the healthy range, and taking care of myself, then I can be happy. It's no more than what every other person on the planet would do.


New member
I know what you mean. My nutrition team will never be satisfied with my weight because I refuse to get up to where they want me. They'd like me to be about 135lbs, but when I was that weight, I felt horrible and I hated how I looked (and I'm not that much of a vain person).
<br />
<br />I asked them what my healthy BMI range was, and I decided I'd put myself right in the middle of that, at 126-127lbs. I feel good, I look good, and I'm comfortable where I'm at. I told my team straight out, that I was going to take their words into account, but I was going to decided what weight to live at. I know the risks of being this weight, and I work hard to maintain it.
<br />
<br />Of course, they still get on me about it, but I try to just let it roll off me. I figure as long as I'm in the healthy range, and taking care of myself, then I can be happy. It's no more than what every other person on the planet would do.


New member
I know exactly what you mean bud. I remember once many years ago when my weight loss was an extreme (and annoying) concern of my parents and doctor and I confessed to my sister that I wanted to see just how much weight I could loose to really piss them off. Had they backed off things wouldn't have gotten out of hand.

Nowadays I just smile and ignore what they say, honestly. I know where I'm at, I know the severity of my disease better than anyone around me, and I know what works for me. They can have theyre plans but they can't make me do anything afterall


New member
I know exactly what you mean bud. I remember once many years ago when my weight loss was an extreme (and annoying) concern of my parents and doctor and I confessed to my sister that I wanted to see just how much weight I could loose to really piss them off. Had they backed off things wouldn't have gotten out of hand.

Nowadays I just smile and ignore what they say, honestly. I know where I'm at, I know the severity of my disease better than anyone around me, and I know what works for me. They can have theyre plans but they can't make me do anything afterall


New member
I know exactly what you mean bud. I remember once many years ago when my weight loss was an extreme (and annoying) concern of my parents and doctor and I confessed to my sister that I wanted to see just how much weight I could loose to really piss them off. Had they backed off things wouldn't have gotten out of hand.
<br />
<br />Nowadays I just smile and ignore what they say, honestly. I know where I'm at, I know the severity of my disease better than anyone around me, and I know what works for me. They can have theyre plans but they can't make me do anything afterall