Having a tough time with CPT


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My daughter (20 mos. w/CF) was diagnosed 6 weeks ago. We have just conqured the enzymes and nebulizer, but the CPT is another story. I have a tough time getting her to sit still for the treatement and I am not even sure I am doing it right...isn't it supposed to make her cough? She doesn't cough when I am finished. At what age do they start with the vest. Atleast with the vest I would know it is working properly. I hate the idea of me not doing the CPT properly, I know how important it is. Please give suggestions, or if you know anything about the vest.
Lynsey-mom of 20 mo. old Avery w/CF and Rhett 10 weeks old (still waiting for DNA result)


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Hi there, me again! In theory, CPT will make them cough...but your daughter may not have much mucus in her lungs right now. We only do CPT once a day since Sydney fights it too...but she has gotten much better over the past few months. She has had a cold this month and CPT does help her bring stuff up but normally it doesn't do that bc she isn't congested and doesn't cough.

The vest is used based on size. I think the chest needs to be like 28 inches (someone can correct me if they know the exact size) and they have to be a certain height for it to work. Sydney is going to be evaluated for one in July but her CF DR thinks she may still be a tad small then...she is almost 25 pounds and 33 inches tall if that helps you gauge her size to your daughters. We are also looking forward to getting the vest for the same reasons you mentioned (assuming she will sit for it though!!)

Kelli (mom of Sydney 22 months wcf)


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HI, Lynsey. I have a 5yo doughter and she doesn't cough yet when we finish the CPT.I feel like you,but the trampoline works for her.she loves jumping and at the begining she cough a little.carmenada


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I have never been one to cough a lot or cough up a lot of "stuff", but I am still better off if I do my CPT. Keep doing it - it will definately pay off in the long run.


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I never coughed up a lot when i did it either. You could always ask your physio therapist if you don't think your doing it right


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I've never noticed my son having an increased cough during/after his treatments either. But, I KNOW that they pay off big time. He is so much more clear and just feels better after CPT....especially if we increase it during a cold.



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My son is 4, diagnosed a little over a year ago, and he does not cough up anything with his treatments. While you don't notice anything being coughed up, the treatments are helping your daughter (if anything as a preventative measure). He started the vest when he was 3 - so we only did the clapping therapy for a couple of months before starting the vest.

I just want to say that my heart really goes out to you. I have read several of your posts and know that not only is your daughter newly diagnosed, but you have a new baby that is awaiting diagnosis. I was in a similar boat about a year ago (6 months pregnant with 2nd child when my 3yr old son was diagnosed). It sounds like you've done what we all have done - jumped in with both feet and met the challenge head on, scary as it may be. I have found this message board a wonderful source of information and a great place to vent, find, and give support. I would imagine that these baby years are the toughest for CF management, yet they are the most incredible and wonderful years in childhood. You have 2 children that are so young and close in age - even without CF in your life you would have a lot of stresses. As far as your marriage question (different post), the stress level will improve once you know your son's results. We waited 2 weeks for our daughter's (carrier only, no CF), and I felt like I was holding my breath the entire time, jumping everytime the phone rang, not speaking about it, but constantly thinking about it. Plus, I analyzed everything about my daughter trying to determine on my own whether or not she had CF (some days she did, some days she didn't). You have been waiting for 10 weeks - the strain you feel is unimaginably enormous! I pray that your son's test show that he is CF-free (a joyous, but bittersweet result). It does get so much easier as the child gets older (while we don't want to rush it because those beautiful baby years rush by too fast). Since my son was older at diagnosis, I only got a taste to the frustrations that parents of babies w/cf undergo. 2 months of desparately trying to get him to take enzymes mixed with ANYTHING - we were relieved when he found it easier to swallow the capsules whole. Also, since he was big enough (and because my nurse felt sorry for me being VERY pregnant and struggling with CPT) he started the vest (so we only did clapping for about 4 months). He also started wearing the mask on his own, so we didn't have to hold it in front of him forcing him to sit still. These are huge developmental milestones for a CF child, and it made all of our lives easier.

So to sum it up, keep asking questions. You can usually find just what you are looking for on this site. Please let us know when your son's test results come in.

4 yr old son with CF
1 yr old daughter no CF


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Our 4 year old hardly ever coughs during her treatment....in fact, the only time she does cough is when she is sick, and this didn't even start until she was three. I also did not think I was doing it right, but now that she is older (and coughing sometimes during treatment) I know that I am. She has the vest now, and coughs less than she does with her CPTs...go figure!

As far as getting your daughter to sit still, have you tried Baby Einstein? Our daughter would fight like you can't believe until the day I played that video....as soon as I put it in, her eyes were glued to the TV, she went from a HUGE fight to sitting completely still.

Hope this helps <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



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p.s. Please let us know Rhett's results when you get them! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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Definately talk to the therapist if you don't think you're doing CPT right. I've never been a huge cougher or producer of sputum. When are you doing her CPT? I always bring up more first thing in the morning because the mucus settles at night.


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My daughter, 11 months, also doesn't cough after her CPT. She does cough durring her breathing treatments, though that could be because she's getting over a cold <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Before we discovered the wonder of Baby Einstein videos I had to hold Cassie down to do her CPT. Her doctor also suggested picking her up, chest to chest, and doing the CPT while walking with her if necessary. That works sometimes when she won't settle.

Good luck!


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CPT is the only thing Cale doesn't do well. He's 2 1/2 diagnosed almost a year ago, and it has never gone well. I bought him a small trampoline to jump on inside but he does better jumping on his bed. When I hold him or play with him I am always clapping his back. I do it and don't even realize it until he tells me to "STOP TAPPING"! But I simply get it in when I can. When he is coming down with something, I wrestle him down until I can get it done. I am blessed that he takes his medicines so well and we're not doing breathing treatments yet. I am also waiting for the day he's big enough for the vest!

Good Luck and my thoughts are also with you while you wait for Rhetts results.


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the only suggestions i have is a trampoline, they make lots of different ones.. when caleb had his 3rd bday i asked everyone in the family to pitch in on a bounce house.. i got it through toys r us.. it inflates in less than 30seconds and he coughs like crazy in it..... the only other thing i can think of is our clinic gave us a print out of ball exercises.. you'd have to buy a big exercise ball but there is no tapping involved jsut bouncing and rolling.. it worked good for a while with caleb he is a big fan of the vest and the bouncehouse at the moment...

Melissa mom to dylan 6 no cf and caleb 3wcf


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They also have the trampolines that are small for exercise at most retail stores. About $30.00. Hope it helps. Becky


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I didn't read the answers. But if you don't think you're doing it right... try doing it in front of her doc and ask for suggestions and comments on how well you're doing it. They'll be able to help. But often I don't feel much better with PT either. The best thing that works for me now that I'm older is breathing in a particular fashion that I know will get my coughing started.