having the baby monday!


New member
Hey everyone, I haven't written in a while but I have some good news. Well I was in the hospital on the 13th till the 16th and on the 16th they did an Amnio to see if his lungs were ready and they weren't yet so they did another one on the 27th (Tuesday) and I found out yesterday that he is all ready! I can't wait... I am a little nervous because he has to be delevired by C-section (I was hoping to have him naturally) but I can't wait to see him. They have me scheduled for the C-section on Monday the 3rd at 1:30. I will let you all know how everything goes when I get home! Hopefuly he might change by that time! Keeping my fingers crossed.


New member
Hey everyone, I haven't written in a while but I have some good news. Well I was in the hospital on the 13th till the 16th and on the 16th they did an Amnio to see if his lungs were ready and they weren't yet so they did another one on the 27th (Tuesday) and I found out yesterday that he is all ready! I can't wait... I am a little nervous because he has to be delevired by C-section (I was hoping to have him naturally) but I can't wait to see him. They have me scheduled for the C-section on Monday the 3rd at 1:30. I will let you all know how everything goes when I get home! Hopefuly he might change by that time! Keeping my fingers crossed.


New member
Hey everyone, I haven't written in a while but I have some good news. Well I was in the hospital on the 13th till the 16th and on the 16th they did an Amnio to see if his lungs were ready and they weren't yet so they did another one on the 27th (Tuesday) and I found out yesterday that he is all ready! I can't wait... I am a little nervous because he has to be delevired by C-section (I was hoping to have him naturally) but I can't wait to see him. They have me scheduled for the C-section on Monday the 3rd at 1:30. I will let you all know how everything goes when I get home! Hopefuly he might change by that time! Keeping my fingers crossed.


New member
Hey everyone, I haven't written in a while but I have some good news. Well I was in the hospital on the 13th till the 16th and on the 16th they did an Amnio to see if his lungs were ready and they weren't yet so they did another one on the 27th (Tuesday) and I found out yesterday that he is all ready! I can't wait... I am a little nervous because he has to be delevired by C-section (I was hoping to have him naturally) but I can't wait to see him. They have me scheduled for the C-section on Monday the 3rd at 1:30. I will let you all know how everything goes when I get home! Hopefuly he might change by that time! Keeping my fingers crossed.


New member
Hey everyone, I haven't written in a while but I have some good news. Well I was in the hospital on the 13th till the 16th and on the 16th they did an Amnio to see if his lungs were ready and they weren't yet so they did another one on the 27th (Tuesday) and I found out yesterday that he is all ready! I can't wait... I am a little nervous because he has to be delevired by C-section (I was hoping to have him naturally) but I can't wait to see him. They have me scheduled for the C-section on Monday the 3rd at 1:30. I will let you all know how everything goes when I get home! Hopefuly he might change by that time! Keeping my fingers crossed.


New member
I'm guessing you have to have a C-section because your baby is breach. Do you know the position he/she is in? A great position for you to be in to help him turn ii on all fours with your belly hanging and your head and shoulders down low (butt up in the air). Be in in this position as much as you can stand it starting right now...make it your job to turn that baby. Talk to your baby and coach him to get in position for the big day. Another thing you could do is go to your chiropractor and have him/her do Webster Technique (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.chiropracticresearch.org/News_study_shows_chiropractic_techniq.htm).">http://www.chiropracticresearc...opractic_techniq.htm).</a> If you've never tried chiro now wouldn't be a bad time too but I could see myself being resistant to trying something new at the 11th hour. It is wonderful though and you should definitely go in the weeks after birth b/c your body is still loose from the preg. hormones and women can get adjusted and experience better spine health than they ever have previously. Finally, you could try playing music softly by your vagina ...evidently the baby sometimes moves his/her head down there to hear it. This method isn't as effective as webster though. Good luck and think positive. Let us know if by Monday you have cancelled your surgery and are awaiting the arrival of you baby on his/her terms.

When's your due date?


New member
I'm guessing you have to have a C-section because your baby is breach. Do you know the position he/she is in? A great position for you to be in to help him turn ii on all fours with your belly hanging and your head and shoulders down low (butt up in the air). Be in in this position as much as you can stand it starting right now...make it your job to turn that baby. Talk to your baby and coach him to get in position for the big day. Another thing you could do is go to your chiropractor and have him/her do Webster Technique (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.chiropracticresearch.org/News_study_shows_chiropractic_techniq.htm).">http://www.chiropracticresearc...opractic_techniq.htm).</a> If you've never tried chiro now wouldn't be a bad time too but I could see myself being resistant to trying something new at the 11th hour. It is wonderful though and you should definitely go in the weeks after birth b/c your body is still loose from the preg. hormones and women can get adjusted and experience better spine health than they ever have previously. Finally, you could try playing music softly by your vagina ...evidently the baby sometimes moves his/her head down there to hear it. This method isn't as effective as webster though. Good luck and think positive. Let us know if by Monday you have cancelled your surgery and are awaiting the arrival of you baby on his/her terms.

When's your due date?


New member
I'm guessing you have to have a C-section because your baby is breach. Do you know the position he/she is in? A great position for you to be in to help him turn ii on all fours with your belly hanging and your head and shoulders down low (butt up in the air). Be in in this position as much as you can stand it starting right now...make it your job to turn that baby. Talk to your baby and coach him to get in position for the big day. Another thing you could do is go to your chiropractor and have him/her do Webster Technique (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.chiropracticresearch.org/News_study_shows_chiropractic_techniq.htm).">http://www.chiropracticresearc...opractic_techniq.htm).</a> If you've never tried chiro now wouldn't be a bad time too but I could see myself being resistant to trying something new at the 11th hour. It is wonderful though and you should definitely go in the weeks after birth b/c your body is still loose from the preg. hormones and women can get adjusted and experience better spine health than they ever have previously. Finally, you could try playing music softly by your vagina ...evidently the baby sometimes moves his/her head down there to hear it. This method isn't as effective as webster though. Good luck and think positive. Let us know if by Monday you have cancelled your surgery and are awaiting the arrival of you baby on his/her terms.

When's your due date?


New member
I'm guessing you have to have a C-section because your baby is breach. Do you know the position he/she is in? A great position for you to be in to help him turn ii on all fours with your belly hanging and your head and shoulders down low (butt up in the air). Be in in this position as much as you can stand it starting right now...make it your job to turn that baby. Talk to your baby and coach him to get in position for the big day. Another thing you could do is go to your chiropractor and have him/her do Webster Technique (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.chiropracticresearch.org/News_study_shows_chiropractic_techniq.htm).">http://www.chiropracticresearc...opractic_techniq.htm).</a> If you've never tried chiro now wouldn't be a bad time too but I could see myself being resistant to trying something new at the 11th hour. It is wonderful though and you should definitely go in the weeks after birth b/c your body is still loose from the preg. hormones and women can get adjusted and experience better spine health than they ever have previously. Finally, you could try playing music softly by your vagina ...evidently the baby sometimes moves his/her head down there to hear it. This method isn't as effective as webster though. Good luck and think positive. Let us know if by Monday you have cancelled your surgery and are awaiting the arrival of you baby on his/her terms.

When's your due date?


New member
I'm guessing you have to have a C-section because your baby is breach. Do you know the position he/she is in? A great position for you to be in to help him turn ii on all fours with your belly hanging and your head and shoulders down low (butt up in the air). Be in in this position as much as you can stand it starting right now...make it your job to turn that baby. Talk to your baby and coach him to get in position for the big day. Another thing you could do is go to your chiropractor and have him/her do Webster Technique (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.chiropracticresearch.org/News_study_shows_chiropractic_techniq.htm).">http://www.chiropracticresearc...opractic_techniq.htm).</a> If you've never tried chiro now wouldn't be a bad time too but I could see myself being resistant to trying something new at the 11th hour. It is wonderful though and you should definitely go in the weeks after birth b/c your body is still loose from the preg. hormones and women can get adjusted and experience better spine health than they ever have previously. Finally, you could try playing music softly by your vagina ...evidently the baby sometimes moves his/her head down there to hear it. This method isn't as effective as webster though. Good luck and think positive. Let us know if by Monday you have cancelled your surgery and are awaiting the arrival of you baby on his/her terms.

When's your due date?


New member
oh and I totally forgot to mention #5 below. Did you doctor give you this option? If not, I would have them do this before they go for surgery. Remember this is your body and your baby. You get to call the shots. Unless the baby is ill and needs to be removed but I didn't gather that from your post.

1. Laying on her back on a board or using pillows so that her head is about 40 degrees lower than her feet.
2. Play music, preferably with headphones, placing them low down on her uterus.
3. Shine a very bright light low down on her uterus, or even between her legs.
4. Have someone (preferably the father) talk loudly but soothingly to the baby, low on the belly, close to the skin, telling the baby to turn around, to come towards the voice (have also heard that commanding works).
5. If all else fails, how about external version? This is where the mother is given drugs to relax her uterus, then the dr uses his hands externally to turn the baby around. This, of course, has it's pros and cons, which should be weighed. It also can be very painful for the mother (but not as much pain as she'll have after a c-section, I would think!).


New member
oh and I totally forgot to mention #5 below. Did you doctor give you this option? If not, I would have them do this before they go for surgery. Remember this is your body and your baby. You get to call the shots. Unless the baby is ill and needs to be removed but I didn't gather that from your post.

1. Laying on her back on a board or using pillows so that her head is about 40 degrees lower than her feet.
2. Play music, preferably with headphones, placing them low down on her uterus.
3. Shine a very bright light low down on her uterus, or even between her legs.
4. Have someone (preferably the father) talk loudly but soothingly to the baby, low on the belly, close to the skin, telling the baby to turn around, to come towards the voice (have also heard that commanding works).
5. If all else fails, how about external version? This is where the mother is given drugs to relax her uterus, then the dr uses his hands externally to turn the baby around. This, of course, has it's pros and cons, which should be weighed. It also can be very painful for the mother (but not as much pain as she'll have after a c-section, I would think!).


New member
oh and I totally forgot to mention #5 below. Did you doctor give you this option? If not, I would have them do this before they go for surgery. Remember this is your body and your baby. You get to call the shots. Unless the baby is ill and needs to be removed but I didn't gather that from your post.

1. Laying on her back on a board or using pillows so that her head is about 40 degrees lower than her feet.
2. Play music, preferably with headphones, placing them low down on her uterus.
3. Shine a very bright light low down on her uterus, or even between her legs.
4. Have someone (preferably the father) talk loudly but soothingly to the baby, low on the belly, close to the skin, telling the baby to turn around, to come towards the voice (have also heard that commanding works).
5. If all else fails, how about external version? This is where the mother is given drugs to relax her uterus, then the dr uses his hands externally to turn the baby around. This, of course, has it's pros and cons, which should be weighed. It also can be very painful for the mother (but not as much pain as she'll have after a c-section, I would think!).


New member
oh and I totally forgot to mention #5 below. Did you doctor give you this option? If not, I would have them do this before they go for surgery. Remember this is your body and your baby. You get to call the shots. Unless the baby is ill and needs to be removed but I didn't gather that from your post.

1. Laying on her back on a board or using pillows so that her head is about 40 degrees lower than her feet.
2. Play music, preferably with headphones, placing them low down on her uterus.
3. Shine a very bright light low down on her uterus, or even between her legs.
4. Have someone (preferably the father) talk loudly but soothingly to the baby, low on the belly, close to the skin, telling the baby to turn around, to come towards the voice (have also heard that commanding works).
5. If all else fails, how about external version? This is where the mother is given drugs to relax her uterus, then the dr uses his hands externally to turn the baby around. This, of course, has it's pros and cons, which should be weighed. It also can be very painful for the mother (but not as much pain as she'll have after a c-section, I would think!).


New member
oh and I totally forgot to mention #5 below. Did you doctor give you this option? If not, I would have them do this before they go for surgery. Remember this is your body and your baby. You get to call the shots. Unless the baby is ill and needs to be removed but I didn't gather that from your post.

1. Laying on her back on a board or using pillows so that her head is about 40 degrees lower than her feet.
2. Play music, preferably with headphones, placing them low down on her uterus.
3. Shine a very bright light low down on her uterus, or even between her legs.
4. Have someone (preferably the father) talk loudly but soothingly to the baby, low on the belly, close to the skin, telling the baby to turn around, to come towards the voice (have also heard that commanding works).
5. If all else fails, how about external version? This is where the mother is given drugs to relax her uterus, then the dr uses his hands externally to turn the baby around. This, of course, has it's pros and cons, which should be weighed. It also can be very painful for the mother (but not as much pain as she'll have after a c-section, I would think!).


New member
here's another one a midwife suggested...

(RE: a Transverse lie) Get her into a warm pool. She walks into the water until up to her shoulders. Then have her dive down to the bottom of the pool. As she is deweighted so is the baby and the heavy part of the baby (the head) will go into the pelvis. She may have to do this three times but I have never had it fail.


New member
here's another one a midwife suggested...

(RE: a Transverse lie) Get her into a warm pool. She walks into the water until up to her shoulders. Then have her dive down to the bottom of the pool. As she is deweighted so is the baby and the heavy part of the baby (the head) will go into the pelvis. She may have to do this three times but I have never had it fail.


New member
here's another one a midwife suggested...

(RE: a Transverse lie) Get her into a warm pool. She walks into the water until up to her shoulders. Then have her dive down to the bottom of the pool. As she is deweighted so is the baby and the heavy part of the baby (the head) will go into the pelvis. She may have to do this three times but I have never had it fail.


New member
here's another one a midwife suggested...

(RE: a Transverse lie) Get her into a warm pool. She walks into the water until up to her shoulders. Then have her dive down to the bottom of the pool. As she is deweighted so is the baby and the heavy part of the baby (the head) will go into the pelvis. She may have to do this three times but I have never had it fail.


New member
here's another one a midwife suggested...

(RE: a Transverse lie) Get her into a warm pool. She walks into the water until up to her shoulders. Then have her dive down to the bottom of the pool. As she is deweighted so is the baby and the heavy part of the baby (the head) will go into the pelvis. She may have to do this three times but I have never had it fail.