

New member
How common is it in cf patients to have unbelievably painful headaches in the morning from the carbon rising at night?


New member
How common is it in cf patients to have unbelievably painful headaches in the morning from the carbon rising at night?


New member
How common is it in cf patients to have unbelievably painful headaches in the morning from the carbon rising at night?


New member
It can be quite common. Mine usually is while I am having a flareup. As a rule I dont have it. Would be interesting to know how many on here actually have tho!


New member
It can be quite common. Mine usually is while I am having a flareup. As a rule I dont have it. Would be interesting to know how many on here actually have tho!


New member
It can be quite common. Mine usually is while I am having a flareup. As a rule I dont have it. Would be interesting to know how many on here actually have tho!


New member
I have never heard of headaches caused by carbon rising-I'd love to hear more about that, what and why if you have the info. Sounds interesting.
I always assumed my TERRIBLE headaches were from all my coughing and whiplashing my head from sneezes and hard coughs.
But yes, I have awful daily headaches and now it sucks b/c I don't want to take any painkillers now that i'm prego-I know you can take some but its just a personal choice.


New member
I have never heard of headaches caused by carbon rising-I'd love to hear more about that, what and why if you have the info. Sounds interesting.
I always assumed my TERRIBLE headaches were from all my coughing and whiplashing my head from sneezes and hard coughs.
But yes, I have awful daily headaches and now it sucks b/c I don't want to take any painkillers now that i'm prego-I know you can take some but its just a personal choice.


New member
I have never heard of headaches caused by carbon rising-I'd love to hear more about that, what and why if you have the info. Sounds interesting.
I always assumed my TERRIBLE headaches were from all my coughing and whiplashing my head from sneezes and hard coughs.
But yes, I have awful daily headaches and now it sucks b/c I don't want to take any painkillers now that i'm prego-I know you can take some but its just a personal choice.


New member
i used to have bad headaches in the morning because I had untreated dust-mite allergies. breathing in dust mite feces all night from my matress and pillow cause my nasal terbinates to swell, preventing normal mucus drainage from my sinuses, and causing horrible headaches.

simple dust mite covers on my matress and pillows along with washng my sheets/comforter every 7 days took care of that problem.


New member
i used to have bad headaches in the morning because I had untreated dust-mite allergies. breathing in dust mite feces all night from my matress and pillow cause my nasal terbinates to swell, preventing normal mucus drainage from my sinuses, and causing horrible headaches.

simple dust mite covers on my matress and pillows along with washng my sheets/comforter every 7 days took care of that problem.


New member
i used to have bad headaches in the morning because I had untreated dust-mite allergies. breathing in dust mite feces all night from my matress and pillow cause my nasal terbinates to swell, preventing normal mucus drainage from my sinuses, and causing horrible headaches.

simple dust mite covers on my matress and pillows along with washng my sheets/comforter every 7 days took care of that problem.


New member
i was asking because i had to go to the er a few weeks ago because for the past month ive been haveing horrible headaches when i awoke in the morning and nothing helped not treatments meds nothing anyway they took me to the er because with my headaches my o2 dropped to 72 they were worried of course did lots of tests and concluded that the carbon that is supposed to be released when you exhale was being stored in my body causing low o2 and the migranic headaches


New member
i was asking because i had to go to the er a few weeks ago because for the past month ive been haveing horrible headaches when i awoke in the morning and nothing helped not treatments meds nothing anyway they took me to the er because with my headaches my o2 dropped to 72 they were worried of course did lots of tests and concluded that the carbon that is supposed to be released when you exhale was being stored in my body causing low o2 and the migranic headaches


New member
i was asking because i had to go to the er a few weeks ago because for the past month ive been haveing horrible headaches when i awoke in the morning and nothing helped not treatments meds nothing anyway they took me to the er because with my headaches my o2 dropped to 72 they were worried of course did lots of tests and concluded that the carbon that is supposed to be released when you exhale was being stored in my body causing low o2 and the migranic headaches