Hello Everyone!


New member
Hi, I am currently doing a paper on CF for my psycology class and an information folder for my education class. I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with information. Honestly, I know nothing about CF!! If you could post what the most difficult part of CF is, what you want other to know about CF, and any other information. If you wouldn't mind I would really like to get your SN and IM you sometime. Thank you for your time! lisha8604


New member
Hi, I am currently doing a paper on CF for my psycology class and an information folder for my education class. I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with information. Honestly, I know nothing about CF!! If you could post what the most difficult part of CF is, what you want other to know about CF, and any other information. If you wouldn't mind I would really like to get your SN and IM you sometime. Thank you for your time! lisha8604


New member
Hello my name is holly i am 13 years old and i have cf i have had it since i was a year and 5 days i got a feeding tube in march i was weghing at 30 pounds and now i am up to 60 it has helped me alot i am glad we got it but anyways u can im me @ CFgurl92 thanks


New member
Hello my name is holly i am 13 years old and i have cf i have had it since i was a year and 5 days i got a feeding tube in march i was weghing at 30 pounds and now i am up to 60 it has helped me alot i am glad we got it but anyways u can im me @ CFgurl92 thanks