

New member
Hi everyone... I am new to this site...I have looked for a good site to chat with people who have CF. I am curious how others take care of themselves and what they need to do to stay healthy. I have a mild to moderate case of CF and I always wonder how others get sick so fast and are unable to get better. So far every time I've been sick, I've mad a full recovery. I am scared that this won't always be the case. I started getting sick every year since I was 18. And I am curious how diabetes developes in people with CF.P.S Anyone from Minnesota?


New member
Hi Jenny, I'm from Minnesota too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I'm currently seen at the Univ of Mn.check out this link:L=Text]http://groups.msn.com/CysticFibrosis2chat[/L]or cut and paste this link: http://groups.msn.com/CysticFibrosis2chat This another sight worth checking out. Has live chat, message board, photo albums of members (which currently number about 600). Oh and there's even a few folks from our neck of the woods<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">Happy Health!-Sleepwalk


New member
I am from MN also. I am 26 yr. old female attending college, and in my last semester. As for how I take care of myself, I do nearly three hours of chest PT with the VEST a day, drink lots of water, and take all my meds. When I get really sick I do IV's at home. I have a port-a-cath, so it makes life easier. It can be a very bumpy road, I had a year where I thought I was heading on a spiral downward, and over a year later I am in the best health I have been in in a long time. Exercise is also important, I only like to do certain things, but it really does make a difference. Simply walking, not sitting all day, helps. Most importantly, is to be aware of your own body. You know best how you are feeling and if something is wrong let your docs know. Take care. ---S.


New member
Jenny, I, like you, was very healthy until college. Even though I thought I was very good at carring for myself, when I went off to school adjusting to freedom, class, work, and still having CF was hard. There is normally a decline in health, especially in women, during the college years. I got sick every semester! And it always sucked getting caught up, even though my profs. were understanding and helpful. It's part of growing up. I was diagnosed w/ CFRD about a year and a half ago. In CFRD, the pancrease still produces insulin but can't get it out fast enough b/c of the fibrotic cysts. There is no way to prevent it. It happens or it doesn't. Insulin threapy isn't too bad, and it helps you gain weight.Debbie22 yr old w/ CF inCO