Help for Maria


New member
I want to know if anyone else lost a spose recently?If so is there any reccomendations of helping my daughter deal with the situation.I lost my mother at 5 and it was tough!.I dont want to miss something and have her fall into a depressed state.It has been alnost 6 weeks and Im starting to see little changes in her and they have me concerned.I was told by two different people to take her to see someone and I feel it might not be a bad idea.


New member
I want to know if anyone else lost a spose recently?If so is there any reccomendations of helping my daughter deal with the situation.I lost my mother at 5 and it was tough!.I dont want to miss something and have her fall into a depressed state.It has been alnost 6 weeks and Im starting to see little changes in her and they have me concerned.I was told by two different people to take her to see someone and I feel it might not be a bad idea.


New member
So far the situation with Ahava hasn't merited a counselor, although if I thought she needed one, I would send her in an instant. She was younger than Maria, but for her it took a long time to really absorb. For months she'd ask me where Daddy was. And one day she just decided to really accept it. She's a little morose now and then, especially when some event in her life reminds her she doesn't have her father with her. For us, talking about ti works, and explaining to her that's it's okay to be sad about it, and it's perfectly okay to cry.

If you think she needs counseling, don't hesitate to send her. Parents usually understand their kids best.


New member
So far the situation with Ahava hasn't merited a counselor, although if I thought she needed one, I would send her in an instant. She was younger than Maria, but for her it took a long time to really absorb. For months she'd ask me where Daddy was. And one day she just decided to really accept it. She's a little morose now and then, especially when some event in her life reminds her she doesn't have her father with her. For us, talking about ti works, and explaining to her that's it's okay to be sad about it, and it's perfectly okay to cry.

If you think she needs counseling, don't hesitate to send her. Parents usually understand their kids best.


New member
Haven't been in that situation but I would agree with what Allie said, if you feel that your child may benefit from talking to someone, it surely can't hurt. I know there are some online support group out there for those who have lost parents, I have to wonder if they have a section for Younger kids who have lost parents? Clearly there might need to be some online monitoring but it never hurts to "hook-up" your kid with someone else who has or is going through the same thing.

Do get her into someone to talk to if you feel the need is there, delaying can make it that much worse for her.

Welcome too, I'm not sure I've ever seen you post before but welcome to the family!!!!


New member
Haven't been in that situation but I would agree with what Allie said, if you feel that your child may benefit from talking to someone, it surely can't hurt. I know there are some online support group out there for those who have lost parents, I have to wonder if they have a section for Younger kids who have lost parents? Clearly there might need to be some online monitoring but it never hurts to "hook-up" your kid with someone else who has or is going through the same thing.

Do get her into someone to talk to if you feel the need is there, delaying can make it that much worse for her.

Welcome too, I'm not sure I've ever seen you post before but welcome to the family!!!!


New member
Its such a tender age. I lost my Dad 6 days before my 17th birthday & I never really had a chance to grieve it. I was too busy taking care of my Mom & her "ability" to handle his death. I never went to a counseler, but now that I look back I think it might have been a good idea. I was the "strong" one & still am of the family. I dont think anyone thought....Hey Melissa should talk to a neutral party since she is carrying the majority of things on her shoulders in addition to her CF. To this day it still applies & I am the BABY of the family. Shouldnt I be going to my OLDER siblings instead of vice versa. I guess it is still more of an issue than I realize. Back to your little one.....I am hoping that you know your child well enough to know when intervention that you cant give is needed. Allie said it best when she talks about it. Talk about the person, the happiness, the sadness etc. Let her know that it is normal & OK for ANYONE (adult or child) to feel these things. If she feels comfortable talking to you or about it in general it will make the rest easier to figure out! Follow your instincts....if you feel she needs a couneler then take her.


New member
Its such a tender age. I lost my Dad 6 days before my 17th birthday & I never really had a chance to grieve it. I was too busy taking care of my Mom & her "ability" to handle his death. I never went to a counseler, but now that I look back I think it might have been a good idea. I was the "strong" one & still am of the family. I dont think anyone thought....Hey Melissa should talk to a neutral party since she is carrying the majority of things on her shoulders in addition to her CF. To this day it still applies & I am the BABY of the family. Shouldnt I be going to my OLDER siblings instead of vice versa. I guess it is still more of an issue than I realize. Back to your little one.....I am hoping that you know your child well enough to know when intervention that you cant give is needed. Allie said it best when she talks about it. Talk about the person, the happiness, the sadness etc. Let her know that it is normal & OK for ANYONE (adult or child) to feel these things. If she feels comfortable talking to you or about it in general it will make the rest easier to figure out! Follow your instincts....if you feel she needs a couneler then take her.