<br>I am looking for some sort of support. I am hoping I have come to the right place. I have an 8 year old boy. Braunson got sick when he was 3 mo old. He has had a dx of celiac at 20 mo old, immune diffency at the age of 6mo, failure to thrive at the age of 4 mo old, gastroperisis at the age of 15 mo old, and at the age of 6 and 1/2 he was diagnosis with a moderate pancreatic defeciency. We have been to dr all over the country. We live in a very small town in Kansas (about 600 people). When Braunson was 3 mo old he weighed 13 lbs by the age of 12 mo old he weighed only 16lbs and today at the age of almost 9 he weighs a whole whooping 60 lbs. When he was a baby we started to see an Allergist/ Immunoligist and had done all he could he sent us to Atlanta Georgia to see a specialist out there. And everyone we went to said I think he has CF and they would do the test and say nope he doesnt have CF. We would go on and he has had 4 different dr think he has CF and they are absolutely shocked that everytime it comes back negative. So I guess you are all thinking why am I on this website. But when Braunson was 6 and 1/2 we were seeing an endrocronoligist for growth because he had not grown in2 years again. And after following him the dr said that she wanted him to back to GI because she thought there something GI going on. So we went back for the 3rd time (because every dr said the same thing "its GI related"). He said I will do every test just to prove that he only had celiac and be done with it. The very last test was a stool sample and yes it came back that the had a moderate pancreatic insufficency. So I thought great we finally have a dx that we can work with and hopefully the nightmare will be over. All went well for a while, he started to grow. He grew 5 inches and gained 10 lbs in lesss than a month and he was able to finally take oral antibiotics for the first time in his life (before they made him vomit adn have severe diahrea). He had a port a cath for 5 years to deliver meds when ever he was sick. Which was all the time. He always had ton of mucus in the lungs, in the sinuses, and down the back of the throat. We live on breathing TX for the first 2 years of life. And about a year ago Braunson all of a sudden started having trouble taking and swollowing his pills. I took him in and they said to increase the Creon and see what happened. Within 1 week was back to taking pills with no problem. He was feeling better and the mucus was back under control. So then about a month ago he started to have problems again. So we increased his meds again but this time it is not working. He cant swollow the meds and he said that they get caught in the snot on the back of his throat. He is now on his 2nd round of antibiotics for a sinus infection. He is having increased pain in his stomache. Can anyone tell me is this normal and what can I do to help him. It breaks my heart to see him cry because he doesnt want to take his medicine because it takes to long to do so. Therefore he doesnt want to eat and then he starts to lose weight. His immune system goes down because of the pancreasis not working and his blood sugar is throught the roof half the time. Please tell what to do or if I am doing something wrong. Thank and May God bless you all.