Help - milk/dairy products


New member
My 46 year old son with CF drinks extremely large amounts of milk (2%) and eats cheese the same. I thought I read/heard somewhere that this was not good! My son says: My doctor has not told me anything, therefore you are wrong and I will continue eating cheese and drinking milk as I have in the past. Opinions/comments from someone with CF would be appreciated. If I'm wrong, I will admit it and get off his case. If I am right, I will print your replys and make sure he reads them. Many thanks in advance. Bill


New member
This is a debate for sure. I personally feel it depends on the person. Some have obvious problems from the lactose. Others have problems with the fats in dairy. I for one would be totally lost if I couldnt have my milk. Its one of the staples in my diet. If there is no problems than I wouldnt fret. Granted tho I have found with things as I get older that my body changes so what I could tolerate fine years ago arent true now!


New member
I think it all depends on the person. Every person with CF or just people without CF can tolerate dairy differently. Some are lactose intolerant. When I had CF lungs before my transplant, I learned for me that Dairy did not work well so I tried and stayed with the soy products. I think today for me, If I drink milk or eat cheese I find that organic is the best way to go. I do not get extra mucus in my sinuses. It all depends on ones immune system and nutritional status. IF dairy brings in so many extra calories and if dairy does create a little extra mucus then i say it is worth it just for the extra calories alone unless he can come up with a plan to eat other foods that will total up his caloric intake.

When I drink cold milk (organic) or Kefir or yogurt, I will cough afterward for a few seconds. Remember I do not cough usually from a transplant but i am referring that when people think they might become congested it is because of the cold sensation. Ice cream can make some cough even if they do not have cf and sometimes a little cough when not expected for a cf patient is a good thing. If it can trigger the patient to cough up some mucus to me that is great.

I would not worry so much. I think people know when they are eating something that is not good for them and I do not think he would be doing it all the time if it was a constant bad thing for him.

IF he comes down with a cold then backing off on the dairy might help just a bit. Some doctors have nodded their head in agreement to me that Dairy can create a little extra clear mucus so it could be possibly (not saying it is true) that if you create a thin extra coat of mucus due from a MILK allergy then I believe it is possible to have thickened all the mucus. Just a theory. Not necessarily true. Maybe if someone is slightly allergic or slightly sensitive to dairy products then when they get a cold it might affect them to a greater extent.

Until this theory is proven, do not worry.


New member
Its a debate for sure. Your typical natural doctor or herbalist will tell you to stay away from all dairy b/c it creates mucus. Your typical doctor will tell you its good b/c it gives you calcium and extra calories.

My CF doc has no problem with milk. However, when I have an exacerbation she tells me to cut back on dairy or to stop all together.

I agree that it depends on the person. Some it causes mucus, some not really.


New member
I read in the book Eat Right For your Type that people who have B+ blood do well with dairy. I have B positive so I am just one of millions.


New member
I LOVE dairy !! I am a cheese-a-holic, and i also LOVE chocolate milk and yogurt. Yes the calcium is very important for us with cf, but as others said the lactose bothers some of us. I used to have to take lactaid when i ate cheese or drank milk, but as time went on i dont seem to have lactose intollerance anymore and dont require the lactaid (yay, one less thing to buy). Plus the fat in cheese and milk has helped me maintain my weight, so if your son doesnt have any obvious issues with drinking milk and eating cheese....then let him go to it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
it reallly depends... but haha, i drink like half a gallon of milk a day, and have atleast 5 pieces of cheese for a snack a day... and a grilled cheese <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> hahah... soooo my body handles it! i say: if he thinks he can handle it, let him do it!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

ya i think it varies ......

and getting on your 46 year old son's case is a bit inappropriate :p</end quote></div>

I guess I didnt read the original post well. I didnt realize he was a 46 year old son! now I think he can probably manage himself unless he is mentally challenged where he literally cant!


 I'm not lactose intolerant but I do get some congestion from
dairy products. Also I just don't like milk at all so I avoid it. I
actually mix the few weight gain shakes I drink with water.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
I've tested it on myself and can notice a huge difference when I eat/drink tons of dairy. I love dairy and could probably eat pounds of it a day, especially yogurt and cheese. When I start to go overboard on the amount, I'll start wheezing too. Never fails for me, so I eat it at normal rates, not like a freak how I want to.

My CF doc a long time ago said there haven't been any studies to prove this, so they say listen to your body and then decide.


New member
I do not believe in this book but it mentioned that B+ blood folks can tolerate dairy. I never bought the book but looked it over in the book store. There might be some valid points but not for everyone. One person who is B postitive can be allergic to milk and it has nothing to do with his type of blood so to make generalizations about the population is ok but not to say all B's will do well with this etc... You can look this up on the internet if you care to and perhaps you might find something that will help you or go to the library and read the book and decide for yourself. It also said that B folks due well with turkey. I am very sensitive to even plain turkey. Many years ago i no problems so everything varies from individual to times and events in ones life.


New member
I think you and your Son can always learn new ways of making your lives healthier and I admire you for coming forth to ask us questions. To come to a valid conclusion you would have to receive many more answers. There are tons of people who eat dairy and there are tons of people who stay far away. I do believe it is for your son to decide and it is so loving of you to worry about him no matter what age he is.


New member
As everyone else has said, it depends on the person.  If
you're looking for personal experience, I've been drinking whole
milk since forever, and I eat cheese like its going out of style.
 In fact, I have a bowl of cottage cheese every night before
bed as a snack.  Not only does it provide more calories, but
its a vital source of calcium.  I have never had a huge
problem with dairy (I might have a little extra mucus now and then,
but hardly enough to be worried about).  I would probably go
postal if someone ever took away my dairy.  Some claim not
eating it makes you healthier, but I think that's crap.  I
think dairy perfectly fine.


New member
i love milk!!!!! I buy 2-3 galons of whole milk every week--and i drink it all up. I also eat cheese and yogurt like the cows will stop being milked tomorrow. I however do not eat much fat in my diet at all--so dairy is about the most fattening thing I get. But, I love it--I am drinking a glass right now. As long as you are not lactose intolerant--it shouldn't be a problem.....
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Dear Eileen, Lisa, Risa, Kelly, Jade, Melissa, Kate, Amy, Diane, Christian, Irishgirl and anyone else I've missed. Thanks, ALL of you for your quick and "right to the point" answers you provided. After 40+ years I'm still learning. For a little background, my wife and I had 2 children with CF, lost our daughter, Diane at age 18 and continue trying to help our son as his lungs continue to weaken. We have tried over the past few years to get him interested in a transplant, without success. However, Just a few weeks ago he talked to his Doctor (on his own) and has received a large information kit from the transplant people. It sure looks like a major project, just gettin information together to complete the pulmonary questionnaire. Obviously, cost is a factor. At the monent, he is working and has health insurance, but this could change at any time. He has been in the hospital twice this year and on IVs 3 or 4 times. He is currently on IVs and has been on them for about 3 weeks. My wife and I live in Virginia (my son in Texas) and one or the other of us is in Texas every couple months. Our current plans are to move to Texas in the Spring of next year. By the way, I am no longer on my son's case for his consumption of milk/dairy products. Again, thanks to all for your comments. You are a GREAT Group. Bill


New member
Bill , I think its great that you are still so involved with your son and his fight with cf. It's so nice not to have to go at it alone, no matter what age <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">