Dear Eileen, Lisa, Risa, Kelly, Jade, Melissa, Kate, Amy, Diane, Christian, Irishgirl and anyone else I've missed. Thanks, ALL of you for your quick and "right to the point" answers you provided. After 40+ years I'm still learning. For a little background, my wife and I had 2 children with CF, lost our daughter, Diane at age 18 and continue trying to help our son as his lungs continue to weaken. We have tried over the past few years to get him interested in a transplant, without success. However, Just a few weeks ago he talked to his Doctor (on his own) and has received a large information kit from the transplant people. It sure looks like a major project, just gettin information together to complete the pulmonary questionnaire. Obviously, cost is a factor. At the monent, he is working and has health insurance, but this could change at any time. He has been in the hospital twice this year and on IVs 3 or 4 times. He is currently on IVs and has been on them for about 3 weeks. My wife and I live in Virginia (my son in Texas) and one or the other of us is in Texas every couple months. Our current plans are to move to Texas in the Spring of next year. By the way, I am no longer on my son's case for his consumption of milk/dairy products. Again, thanks to all for your comments. You are a GREAT Group. Bill