I hope you dont mind me posting on your site, but I am hoping that some of you may be able to assist me in some research for my dissertation.
I am a final year student on the Bsc Hons course of Phytotherapy (Medical Herbalism) at the college of Phytotherapy in the UK. I also have a five year old daughter with cystic fibrosis, which has lead me to chose the title "Is there a role for herbal medicine in the management of cystic fibrosis?" for my dissertation. I have been a user of the cf forum on the UK for about a year and a half, and have recieved several replies to my questionaire from fellow users, but have decided to expand the range of questioning to hopefully gather further information which will allow me to make a more detailed study. The questionaire forms a part of the primary research for the dissertation, and I am also conducting a small series of case histories for patients with cf who have either been treated by myself through the our training clinic, or who have detailed records from treatment of professional herbalists elsewhere. I would be very grateful if anyone is willing to assist me on either of these matters. I assure complete confidentiality, no personal details will be revealed and no names used in the final written work. In addition no personal details will be stored on any computer system beyond my own personal computer for the duration of the research, and will be deleted upon completion.
I have found that herbal medicine has drastically improved my daughters health, and I feel that it may prove to offer a valuable addition to the regular CF medical regime. I would be really grateful if anyone could send me a reply to my e mail address emma@manicorganic.org please include the answers in the body of the e mail, and not as an attaatchment, as my computer is slightly tempermental and often refuses to open files!
Thank you very much
Emma Salmon el Gamal
Medical Herbalism dissertation Patient questionaire
1. Name
2. Age
3. Weight
4. Area of country
5. Medications taken.
6. Exercise / physiotherapy done
7. General state of health
8. any complications of CF (ie diabetes, arthritis, etc)
9. Lung function (if known)
10. Have you used OTC (over the counter - self bought) herbal products, and what were they/
11. What did you purchase them for? (ie, digestive aid, immune enhancing, etc)
12. how long did you take them for?
13. Did you notice any general or specific improvement? (ie, less infections, more fluid mucous, etc) Can you quantify any of the improvements? (ie, if prev had infection every month, then not for 3 months, changes in lung function, etc)
14. Did you notice any deterioration or negative side effects?
15. Any other comments regarding OTC herbal products?
16. do you take any other supplements, ie fish oils, acidophillus, which are not part of your prescribed CF medication, and how do you feel that they help you?
17. Have you ever recieved treatment from a herbalist?
18. Was there a particular aspect of your health which led to the visit, or was it to improve your general health?
19. Can you provide details of the prescription which you recieved?
20. Can you describe any changes to your health relating to the treatment, giving specific examples?
21. If you have considered visiting a herbalist, but have not done so, what are the main reasons for this? eg Cost, Finding a qualified herbalist near to your home, Concerns about drug interactions, Concerns regarding the medical qualifications of the practitioner.
I am a final year student on the Bsc Hons course of Phytotherapy (Medical Herbalism) at the college of Phytotherapy in the UK. I also have a five year old daughter with cystic fibrosis, which has lead me to chose the title "Is there a role for herbal medicine in the management of cystic fibrosis?" for my dissertation. I have been a user of the cf forum on the UK for about a year and a half, and have recieved several replies to my questionaire from fellow users, but have decided to expand the range of questioning to hopefully gather further information which will allow me to make a more detailed study. The questionaire forms a part of the primary research for the dissertation, and I am also conducting a small series of case histories for patients with cf who have either been treated by myself through the our training clinic, or who have detailed records from treatment of professional herbalists elsewhere. I would be very grateful if anyone is willing to assist me on either of these matters. I assure complete confidentiality, no personal details will be revealed and no names used in the final written work. In addition no personal details will be stored on any computer system beyond my own personal computer for the duration of the research, and will be deleted upon completion.
I have found that herbal medicine has drastically improved my daughters health, and I feel that it may prove to offer a valuable addition to the regular CF medical regime. I would be really grateful if anyone could send me a reply to my e mail address emma@manicorganic.org please include the answers in the body of the e mail, and not as an attaatchment, as my computer is slightly tempermental and often refuses to open files!
Thank you very much
Emma Salmon el Gamal
Medical Herbalism dissertation Patient questionaire
1. Name
2. Age
3. Weight
4. Area of country
5. Medications taken.
6. Exercise / physiotherapy done
7. General state of health
8. any complications of CF (ie diabetes, arthritis, etc)
9. Lung function (if known)
10. Have you used OTC (over the counter - self bought) herbal products, and what were they/
11. What did you purchase them for? (ie, digestive aid, immune enhancing, etc)
12. how long did you take them for?
13. Did you notice any general or specific improvement? (ie, less infections, more fluid mucous, etc) Can you quantify any of the improvements? (ie, if prev had infection every month, then not for 3 months, changes in lung function, etc)
14. Did you notice any deterioration or negative side effects?
15. Any other comments regarding OTC herbal products?
16. do you take any other supplements, ie fish oils, acidophillus, which are not part of your prescribed CF medication, and how do you feel that they help you?
17. Have you ever recieved treatment from a herbalist?
18. Was there a particular aspect of your health which led to the visit, or was it to improve your general health?
19. Can you provide details of the prescription which you recieved?
20. Can you describe any changes to your health relating to the treatment, giving specific examples?
21. If you have considered visiting a herbalist, but have not done so, what are the main reasons for this? eg Cost, Finding a qualified herbalist near to your home, Concerns about drug interactions, Concerns regarding the medical qualifications of the practitioner.