Help please!


New member
I have cystic fibrosis and now I have a 4 month old daughter since having her I've had constant migraines and extremely bad joint pain, also my knees and wrists have now started bruising without knocking or banging them or anything! I've been told there's nothing that can be done but I refuse to let that be true. Some days I'm in so much pain I actually can't pick my baby up, any advise or help would be much appreciated!


Hi there, so sorry you are having to manage this pain as well as keep up with the care of your baby. Looking after a four month old is a big job without pain issues to contend with. The doctors have said nothing can be done but have they given you any reasons for the bruising etc?

I can only suggest a quality curcurim supplement. It is a very effective anti-inflammatory. Of course, you would need to check ok to take with your current meds or if you are breast feeding but as far as I am aware it is ok to take in most instances. (I think people on blood thinning meds are advised not to take). Anyway, this supplement has helped my daughter with cf and there are many positive testimonies from people in chronic pain. All the best and I hope you get some relief very soon.


New member
It happened to me too!

My son was around that age when I began having similar symptoms. I was on meds for joint pain, pain meds and even hospitalized several times for migraines. I had Celiac disease as well as CF! It was found by chance by a GI and an Endocrinologist. My CF docs kept telling me my CF was just progressing and that these things were normal and I knew it wasn't! Get checked for Celiacs immediately, there's a blood test but an upper endoscopy is really the gold standard of tests. I had never connected things I was eating to the pain because the pain was so constant I didn't see a correlation, but three weeks Gluten free and I felt like I had my life back! There were times I felt helpless and in too much pain to snuggle my baby and it was a level of heartbreak no doctor could understand. It's been three years now since I was diagnosed and follow up GI tests show my intestines are healed and even though I miss gluten I wouldn't trade quality time with my babies for a donut. A lot of CF docs don't check for Celiacs because they are taught that Celiacs symptoms are GI related so they only refer patients to be tested if typical CF treatments for GI symptoms aren't working. For me, I had barely any GI issues and once they upped my enzymes those symptoms went away but then the migraines and joint pain started.
I hope you can get tested and if that's not it, keep searching. We all know when something isn't right even if doctors don't have a clue.


New member
Thankyou for the help! I'll ask my doctors about it when I next see them, hope it is this as then atleast I'll know why I'm in this pain!