

New member
Hello i need some advice on my son.He has cf since he was 3. hes keeping very well and he just turned 18.The problem is hes a lunatic.we live in a run down area and he is in with the worst crowd imaginable.They constantly break the law and just laugh about it.My son doesnt bother with his medication as he says he says he doesnt need it.I admit he is very healthy for someone with cf but i know that wont last long if he keeps this up.He doesnt even bother with his appointments anymore.Im not sleeping at all these days i just worry and worry.Last week i found a large amount of cash inside a pillow under his bed and theres all sorts of thoughs running around my head.Probably not the kind of stuff this site deals with i just need to get it off my chest.


New member
My question is: What already have you tried?
Talk talk and talk to him. Do all that you can to help and then let him lose.
Look around his room when he is not there to get a good ideal of what he is doing. My brohter was like your son and my parents went through his room and found some intresting stuff.
What do you think he is doing?
Also talk to any professional who might help to get advice.

I will keep you in my prayers.


New member
anonymous- private message me if you'd like. I might be able to help <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Ive tried everything.Counsellors,psychiatrists.One of them told me straight out its as if the devil himself is controling his mind.The gardai have been around to my house so many times with so many different stories.As we live in a small town in ireland everyone knows our business and its killing us.Ive felt like handing him in so many times but how does someone with cf cope in prison.


New member
That is a very tough situation. I know how you feel and I know yg don't want anything to happen to him but sometimes you just have to let him go it may be the best thing you can do at the moment. I hope things work out ok.


New member
As hard as it may be to face this, and I really am trying to be sensitive about this because I feel you pain and despair in your post... you can only "rescue" and save him for so long.

Pretty soon he's going to get caught, screw with the wrong person and he's either going to be dead or in prision. I know this doesn't sound nice, but maybe it's better you secretly turn him in for something small-that would get him a little bit of time inside jail-enough for a wake up call. Before he does something huge and stupid and gets caught and gets life or something like that.

Also, there is no reason that your family and business should suffer because of his actions, or lack thereof.

I really hope that you are able to find some ideas and support on this site. We deal with all sorts of things on this site and this may be more appropriate to move to the adults site (just copy what you already wrote, go over to the adults section, open up a new topic or the HELP one you already posted and paste it). I will hope and pray for some good guidance for you in this situation.

Take care and keep us posted!!


New member
There comes a time when I think we all rebel & deny what we have to go through. I mean having CF myself- I have done this many times & all it does is hurt myself. Then once I pushed it over the line with not taking care of myself & ended up in the ICU on deaths doorstep -it was no fun to wake up seeing a priest praying over me & my mom & brother hysterical- wow what a wake up call.I woke up and the first thing I said (I don't remember) is "I have to fight". It might take something like that to happen to open his eyes, but the more you push the more he will push back. I know I do it to my mom. Good luck