There is some correlation to hemoptysis and the menstrual cycle. I went on birth control pills to control hemoptysis a few different times. Its kind of odd how that would correlate, but it does seem to be linked with hormonal changes that we go thru. My nurse explained to me that the estrogen in the oral birth control pill keeps the blood vessels pliable which in turn helps them not to break as often or as easily. Not ovulating is what i was trying to acchieve since from the day of ovulation to the day of my period, i would cough up blood (pure blood) quite a few different times . When i was on the oral b/c i did notice a lessening of hemoptysis, but it never stopped it COMPLETELY. It did certainly cut it down noticeably. I didnt stay on the b/c because i am coming up on 42 and there are risks to taking it after age 35. The last tihng i need is something more to worry about. I just had my 3rd embolization 3 months ago, and am hoping not to have to need another any time soon or ever. Like everyone else said, if the bleeding keeps up, you should call your Doctor to be sure something else isnt brewing.