We traveled yesterday to visit family, we are staying at a hotel. Today, at my sister's Maggie kept saying her stomache was upset, which is not unusual for her after traveling. So I wasn't too concerned. UNTIL she sat on my sister's couch and started turning green. I looked at my sis and said you better get a bucket. Sure enough she has the pukes...no fever but she feels awful. Must've puked at least 6 or 7 times. Course, Maggie has already had 2 bowel obstructions so I am totally freaking out. She had pooped a small amount before puking. So I called a friend of mine who knows about most the kids in town and what is going around and sure enough the stomache bug is going around Maggie's kindergarten. SO now I'm worried about dehydration, she finally was able to take a freeze pop and a few ounces of ginger ale without throwing up. Fortunately, we are in the city so we are close to CHildren's Hospital of Boston if she does need an IV. This S*cks. We are back at the hotel and Maggie is sleeping and I am praying she doesn't puke again. We are supposed to go skiing in 2 days. maggie was crying that she loves skiiing and couldn't spend time with her cousins. I feel so bad! She felt so bad she missed her evening nebs and VEST(couldn't bear to shake a puking and miserable child) Plus she couldn't take her singulair. What do I do if she still feels so bad she can't do her nebs and Vest in the morning???