I will not recant what I said in the thread that is now locked and I can no longer post on. No I didn't post and run, I posted and ran some errands, came back and can no longer post on it.
I didn't suggest to any moderator that anyone get banned, not my place. What I suggested that if the same people want to get into it over and over and over again with people, especially what seems to be new people to this site, maybe they ought to take their behavior somewhere else. This site never use to be like that. And for the record, I've never said that my SH*T don't stink because I've been involved in a number of fiascos on this board myself. I am the first to admit that and always have admitted it. I am not perfect, nobody is. And I've considered taking it somewhere else because sometimes I just can't stand the things that go on in this forum/board. But then I stop and realize that I do have friends here, people who care, people who want to share with me and want to hear what I have to share.
Emily said it better than I could have. She's been on this site for over 2 years, and this drama didn't start with her... I agree there. But it sure did pick up nastily over the last 6 months or so and in my mind, I pinpointed when/where/who I THOUGH it started with.
I don't hate anybody, there's no need for that. But I really do feel that if you are always taking away from a post, making new members and posters feel like crap (see the post from Charolette if you wnat to know what I am talking about) and don't really seem to have a purpose on here aside from tearing apart what somebody has to say... then maybe you shouldn't be here.
As for what week this is for Allie, I can never understand what she is feeling, and I know someday I'll be in her shoes. THat's why in spite of all the frustrating feelings I've had towards the way she's been treating people lately, I try to see through it. But I've just had enough and sometimes you need to be treated the way you treat others, and clearly that goes for me too and was evidenced on the last thread with comments to me. That being said, Allie is one who says that you should be able to handle the truth and blah blah blah. So if she can't hear the truth from someone else, or an opinion of someone else, she's a walking contradiction. And what I told was the truth about what I was feeling. I have every right to that.
Also, it doesn't mean I don't value some of the insight she has about life and what she's shared about her and her Ry.
So, that's what I've got to say for myself. I still feel the same way as when I posted. I am not sorry for it, I do not regret it. I am sorry for those who took offense, especially for those who it was not directed at, but I had to say what I felt (while NOT taking away from someone elses post) and the reactions were what I expected but I didn't do it to create drama. I just had to get these feelings off my chest and I remember a time when you didn't need a blog to do that on this forum.
Say what you will, I'm open to feedback and always have been about the way I act on this forum. Although it doesn't change the way I feel.
I didn't suggest to any moderator that anyone get banned, not my place. What I suggested that if the same people want to get into it over and over and over again with people, especially what seems to be new people to this site, maybe they ought to take their behavior somewhere else. This site never use to be like that. And for the record, I've never said that my SH*T don't stink because I've been involved in a number of fiascos on this board myself. I am the first to admit that and always have admitted it. I am not perfect, nobody is. And I've considered taking it somewhere else because sometimes I just can't stand the things that go on in this forum/board. But then I stop and realize that I do have friends here, people who care, people who want to share with me and want to hear what I have to share.
Emily said it better than I could have. She's been on this site for over 2 years, and this drama didn't start with her... I agree there. But it sure did pick up nastily over the last 6 months or so and in my mind, I pinpointed when/where/who I THOUGH it started with.
I don't hate anybody, there's no need for that. But I really do feel that if you are always taking away from a post, making new members and posters feel like crap (see the post from Charolette if you wnat to know what I am talking about) and don't really seem to have a purpose on here aside from tearing apart what somebody has to say... then maybe you shouldn't be here.
As for what week this is for Allie, I can never understand what she is feeling, and I know someday I'll be in her shoes. THat's why in spite of all the frustrating feelings I've had towards the way she's been treating people lately, I try to see through it. But I've just had enough and sometimes you need to be treated the way you treat others, and clearly that goes for me too and was evidenced on the last thread with comments to me. That being said, Allie is one who says that you should be able to handle the truth and blah blah blah. So if she can't hear the truth from someone else, or an opinion of someone else, she's a walking contradiction. And what I told was the truth about what I was feeling. I have every right to that.
Also, it doesn't mean I don't value some of the insight she has about life and what she's shared about her and her Ry.
So, that's what I've got to say for myself. I still feel the same way as when I posted. I am not sorry for it, I do not regret it. I am sorry for those who took offense, especially for those who it was not directed at, but I had to say what I felt (while NOT taking away from someone elses post) and the reactions were what I expected but I didn't do it to create drama. I just had to get these feelings off my chest and I remember a time when you didn't need a blog to do that on this forum.
Say what you will, I'm open to feedback and always have been about the way I act on this forum. Although it doesn't change the way I feel.