hey guys!! i'm new here


New member
Hello all...my name's Melissa, I'm 15 years old and was
diagnosed with cf at birth. i was just bored today as i was home
from school sick so i decided to join this forum and so far it
looks really cool!! i'm interested in just having a chat with other
cfers from around the world, as i'm from melbourne, australia and
i've noticed that many people here are from the States so it should
be interesting to here about cf, treatments and so forth over
there. hmm i'll just give you a quick run down on me...<br>
as i said before i was diagnosed at birth as my older sister also
has cf so i was obviously tested for it...i get treated at the
royal childrens hospital in melbourne aus...does anyone else here
get treated there? slim chance but it'll be interesting to see if i
know anyone on here personally. i also have asthma and pancreatic
insufficiency due to cf, and have had 3 tune ups in my life, one in
2004, 2005 and last month. i have pseudomonas (spelling :S?) and
...yeah lol. some other facts about my cf:<br>
* i don't have a port<br>
* i don't have a g-tube<br>
* i am 171cm (5ft 7) and weigh 56kg (123lbs)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><br>
* i eat HEAPS<br>
* i take cotzymes forte before food<br>
* i do my PEP mask once a day as chest PT(does anyone else here do
PEP mask i've only heard of 'the vest' being used on here n i dont
really no wat that is)<br>
* in terms of antibiotics im on inhaled tobra one month then
colistin the next constantly, azirthromycin (im not sure if thats
an anti), cipro occasionally, and then obviously IV meds when im
'tuning up' lol<br>
'well anyway i hope i didnt bore anyone, it'd be really nice to
meet ppl of all ages with all different cf experiences!!!!!<br>


Welcome Mel! You sound like you are actively involved in your CF care. I admire you for that. I have a nephew who has CF who just turned 15. We live in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
My nephew will not get involved in these boards, although I truely wish he would. He is very negative regarding his CF, but I think it is from not having much contact with someone his own who has the same complications. Unfortunately his health has not been good at all. He is only about 5 feet tall and his weight is only in the 80's. He does have a g-tube. One of his challenges is that he is highly allergic to milk products, and that eliminates a lot from what he can eat to help him gain weight. Poor guy! I actually have lost track of how many hospitalizations he has had.
The vest is a machine that you plug hoses (that resemble those of a vaccuum cleaner) into. The other end of the hoses are plugged into a vest (that resembles that of a life jacket) that the CF patient buckles on. Then we turn on the machine and the vibrations pound the chest.
I also have two daughters with CF.
Nice to meet you!


New member
hi yea i am from the uk nr london me2 cf/24<br>
i have heard of pep and do it myself also nep. is a valid treatment
not for cf's.<br>
cf only usually do pep and azith is a strong antibiotic ur prob not
taking it for that reason but as an anti inflammatory properties
only. in the uk the treatments r good and free.<br>
we have same here as the usa. im trying to keep up2 date on new
stuf feel free 2 ask! ok best wishes cj x


New member
Hi tammy n CJ thanks for replying, sorry i didnt get back to u
sooner ive been so busy!!!<br>
Thats no good to hear about your nephew Tammy, i suppose it can be
hard to always stay positive when you've had a bit of a bad run for
a while. just hang in there and hopefully the negativity will
pass!! maybe its just a phase, but i really hope he starts to feel
at least a lil better soon! Thats terrible to hear about his milk
allergy...i don't think i could cope if that was me!! i'm addicted
to my milk LOL. I bet your so proud though, he must be a pretty
strong guy, i know how i freak out when i end up in hospital,
so i admire him for having to put up with it all the time. and that
goes for everyone else on the forum too!! i've read about so many
amazing people already and it just really puts things into
perspective so well done to EVERYONE for being so strong. n that
goes for siblings, parents, carers, friends etc as well<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
   hmm anyway thanks also for replying CJ n thanks
for the info, it helped a lot! hope your feeling great and best
wishes to both of u!!   xoxo


New member
hey im gabrielle do u have aim or msn? if so i can private message u my email or sn, im 13, almost 14 with cf and i wanna meet ppl too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey gabrielle! nice to meet you, yes i do have msn so it would be
great if u could private message me thanks! hope to talk soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">