Hey, I need somebody. Can anyone find him?


New member
Does anyone remember that guy who was on sometime back in Feb.? I don't remember exactly what he was posting, but whatever it was, it totally stirred up the whole board. He was the talk of the forums. I was wondering if he used some of these speech technequis or hold-yer-innerest kind of things. I want to find out how he stirred up everyone, because I want to stir everyone up and be famous on this board too! Does anyone know if he's still on here? I got on about three days before he disappeared. Does anyone know if he left or if he's just hiding? By the way, I think his username was rideronthehorse, or something like that.
If you know where he is, let me know! Tnx!


New member
He got kicked off this board and if you are planning on doing the same thing, you will be banned as well so I would advise you not to take that route. The purpose of this board is not to stirr anyone up, if that is your reason for being here-you are under the wrong impression regarding what we (the users of this board) are about. Don't do it, you will get reported and you will get kicked off.