
New member
You already have one thread about CF and want information on how it affects daily life. Since you signed in, you can go back and change your TOPIC name. Please don't spam our boards or you are going to find yourself kicked off. If you want to hear about people spilling their guts, just read on this board. Not to offend you or anything, but I don't see how you can "try and help" people with CF, being #1 NOT someone with CF (although non-CFers who are informed can provide assistance, and vise versa) and #2, two posts up you are asking questions about CFers daily lives. I don't understand how you think you can help if you have no clue about the issues they deal with everyday. I think you are just trying to get sneaky about getting information and we aren't stupid. Please stick to one post and if people reply, there you go. IF not, then you need to just start reading.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 wCF)


New member
I am sorry but you probably really can't help. If you want more info for your paper, why don't you shed a little knowledge about what you DO know about CF. Then you might find that people answer your questions. It is nice that you are offering, but having a friend with CF, and a previous post inquiring about CF does not cut it.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Wyatt you are way out of line little kid. Julie does know more about CF than you will probably ever know. She has gone to great lengths to inform and educate herself--not to do a silly paper but because the man she loves has CF. If you are such a great friend, then why were you not on here and trying to learn about CF before you had a paper due. It seems to me that you are so desperate to get info for your report that you are pulling at straws to get help. Come back in six months, after you have talked to friend and then perhaps you will be able to offer some advice. Feel free to ask questions and educate yourself, but don't do it for a report do it for your friend.


New member
Yep, he does have CF- and not to toot my own horn but I KNOW for a FACT that I know more about CF than you do. It didn't take much to figure that out once I read your post about having a project for school and you having questions. It's great you want to learn about CF, and I encourage you to post your SPECIFIC questions-people will answer those.

But don't belittle us and insult us by trying to be sneaky to get answers for your paper, we are not here to do your homework! I don't care if you've known your friend for 20 years and I've known my husband for 6 years; I am clearly more involved in my husbands care and the in's and out's of CF than you are (currently) about CF, or you wouldn't be asking such generalized questions in your previous post. Understand that I can only assertain this information from all your previous posts which prove your lack of CF knowledge, not because I think I know everything.

If you want to make this personal, we can-but I don't think you want to go there. All I am trying to point out to you is that although the gesture is nice (that you are offering to help people) you are probably just wasting your time because people aren't going to turn to someone who creates previous posts asking for information about CF for a school project. You proved your own lack of knowledge.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I am the one who said they are 'peeved'. Like I said Im not sure if its down to my cf or not. Im not very well at the moment so that has me feeling a bit down. Im glad you feel you can help me, have you any advice for me?


New member
Like I said, I just feel down. Im not depressed or anything..I guess Im missing my friend..He moved away a few weeks ago. I'll phone him tonight and maybe I'll be able to travel and see him over the summer. I guess thats whats wrong, not the fact that Im still sick with this infection..


New member
I just recently had a friend that had Cystic fobrosis and is completely cured! Everyone that has this sad disease, dont worry. There is always hope.

Blessings to you all!
leah<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Theres a cure! My gosh I cannot believe it. I have been so misinformed for so long. All those doctors have lied to me all this time! Please, Please tell me where I can get this magical cure. (sarcasam in case anyone is wondering) I think I will wait until my Doctors give me the good news. If you really want info on CF just ask some legitimate quetions and someone will try to help you.

By the way nice responses earlier Julie.



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me the avarice of hoarding them."


New member
lol, thanks. I try to be nice, but sometimes it just gets so difficult when it's the same rediculious thing over and over. I can't wait to hear more about this cure <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
"I just recently had a friend that had Cystic fobrosis and is completely cured! Everyone that has this sad disease, dont worry. There is always hope."

Hahahaha. That is almost as funny as the time a nurse (yes, a NURSE) said, "Oh, thank God my son's asthma never developed into cystic fibrosis!"

"Hahahaha. That is almost as funny as the time a nurse (yes, a NURSE) said, "Oh, thank God my son's asthma never developed into cystic fibrosis!" "
Wow, your nurse said that...*is shocked* That's pretty funny, I can only hope that she knows more about how to do her job than CF!


New member
My first cousin who is a RN asked me awhile back after hearing me cough...."Do you still have that problem?". She is a big air head & the fact that she is a nurse scares me, but the fact that she made that statement scares me even more. I told her "Yeah, I just cant seem to shake it!" Of course you had to be there to appreciate the sarcasim which I am sure went over her head. Yet her sisters (one who has Down Syndrome) know that it doesnt go away & both ask how I am doing "maintaining" my health.


New member
You know I can be at my most stressed, depressed, on the verg of tears and I can find people that can still make me laugh.. Thanks guys for the laugh you all gave me tonight....In one week my son might be going back in the hospital.
Thanks Becca