Hi all im new here!!!


New member
Hello everyone, my name is Janeil and im from Ohio. I am 15 (almost
16) years old, like most 16 year olds I <b>LOVE</b> to
drive. I was diagnosed with CF when i was 5. I have never seen
another CF person im my life, or at least i don't think i have. I
thought it would be nice to talk to some kids just like me. I am in
fairly good health and have only been to one "tune up" in
my life in 2004. My mom is a respiratory therapist so she has taken
amazing care of me, im so thankful for her. I think having CF
has shaped my life and im a way better person because it. I might
sound crazy but most times i am thankful for CF. Even though i hate
being sick, i just deal with life. I don't worry about death that
much but i do worry about getting married and starting a
family. My dad passed away when i was 6 due to cancer and i know
how it feels to grow up with one parent. I don't want to get sick
and croak off, leaving my husband and children. Does anyone else
worry about this?


New member
hey im philip 15 also. i know exactly where u are comming from. ya
if u wanna talk sometime send me a private message or give me your
sn. my sn for aim is<br>
cachat65.  i look forward to speaking with u more.


New member
hey im philip 15 also. i know exactly where u are comming from. ya
if u wanna talk sometime send me a private message or give me your
sn. my sn for aim is<br>
cachat65.  i look forward to speaking with u more.