Hi all


New member
I'm new.
My user name is kind of stupid but it makes sense for CF.
It's my favorite drink and I'm always coughing.... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Coffee,

Welcome...........cream and sugar? Brother...was that stupid??<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


Hey, Coffee!
Not so bad a name, My Uncle (who used to work in a Hospital Laboratory) said there's a chemical in Coffee that helps to breathe (I forgot the name of the chemical), so when I started drinking coffee (at age 25), he recommended it for that purpose.

Do you like Starbuck's Coffee??? I do!! We get it over here, too!

I love Coffee as well, and had become somewhat a connoiseur of it.


New member
Mmmm, coffee. I like mine flavored. I have a few postcards from Montana Coffee Traders in my cube at work - Flathead Cherry, Huckleberry, and Glacier Blend. Nummy.

Dang it! Now I want coffee...

Welcome Coffee!


Dagnabit! I want coffee, too!
Those flavors sound good, miesl!


New member
starbucks is gross. have u been to the coffee bean and tea leaf? i know they are international, and i promise u , once u try it u won't ever go 2 starbucks again!!!


New member
Welcome <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I Love coffee ice cream and yogurt yet dont drink coffee at all ( never liked it) go figure. I also have an iguana named " Mocha" She's a spiny tailed iguana so she is brown and tan with some black marks and "Mocha" just seemed the approprite name........Enjoy the site !!


New member
65rosessamurai - they ship internationally, however, I have no idea what it would cost. <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.coffeetraders.com/">Montana Coffee Traders</a>

It's the most evil (in a good way) place to shop in person. It all smells so darn good. I think the last time we went, Chris (my coffee-loving mom) and I left with about 10 pounds of coffee. Nummy.

Awww, crap. I'm looking at the website and thinking "That sounds good, I should order some."
Meisl...are you from Montana? My parents have a house near Flathead Lake where they will retire in about 2 years. I just love it up there!!


Thanks for the info, meisl...I'll see what I can do about trying some...I'll have to wait till the Yen rate drops a little. It's about 119 yen to a dollar right now, so simply put, I'd be spending $11.90 plus postal shipping to Japan for something if it costs $10.
I already checked out the link (Thanks for making it simple-I just added it to my ?Favorites?) , and the stuff looks pretty good! And, I can find out what shipping'll cost me if I ask by E-mail.
Montana...Duh!! My brother in law is from there! I wonder if he's heard of it (or at least his twin brother who still lives out there, does!)

Probably about X-mas would make a great gift from me to me! I'm gonna try your favorites to see if I like it, too! (So far, I LOVE their background screen! Beans, Beans, BEANS!)
Oh, I'll definitely let you know if I find it better than Starbucks!

Sorry, Coffee, to stray a bit from the subject matter!