hi everyone im new!


New member
hey whats up i just joined this site cause it seems pretty legit
im charlie and im 18 years living in orange county, california
yes i do have cystic fibrosis but i dont let that affect my life
i have a myspace so you should add me

im pretty interesting to talk to and have great stories all the time
talk to me about my life and youd be surprised im still living
life is precious and it should be thrived on


New member
hey whats up i just joined this site cause it seems pretty legit
im charlie and im 18 years living in orange county, california
yes i do have cystic fibrosis but i dont let that affect my life
i have a myspace so you should add me

im pretty interesting to talk to and have great stories all the time
talk to me about my life and youd be surprised im still living
life is precious and it should be thrived on


New member
hey whats up i just joined this site cause it seems pretty legit
im charlie and im 18 years living in orange county, california
yes i do have cystic fibrosis but i dont let that affect my life
i have a myspace so you should add me

im pretty interesting to talk to and have great stories all the time
talk to me about my life and youd be surprised im still living
life is precious and it should be thrived on


New member
hey whats up i just joined this site cause it seems pretty legit
im charlie and im 18 years living in orange county, california
yes i do have cystic fibrosis but i dont let that affect my life
i have a myspace so you should add me

im pretty interesting to talk to and have great stories all the time
talk to me about my life and youd be surprised im still living
life is precious and it should be thrived on


New member
hey whats up i just joined this site cause it seems pretty legit
<br />im charlie and im 18 years living in orange county, california
<br />yes i do have cystic fibrosis but i dont let that affect my life
<br />i have a myspace so you should add me
<br />www.myspace.com/fuck_charlie
<br />
<br />im pretty interesting to talk to and have great stories all the time
<br />talk to me about my life and youd be surprised im still living
<br />life is precious and it should be thrived on