hi i'm new


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hello my names tracie i have cf am 33 married and from birmingham. I am awaiting a tx and have been on the list for 8 months.



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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>hello my names tracie i have cf am 33 married and from birmingham. I am awaiting a tx and have been on the list for 8 months.


I am sweetiepie by the way.


New member
Hi Tracie,

My name is Caren, I'm 33 and live in St Louis. How old were you when you were diagnosed? I was 2 1/2 months old. Feel free to tlak to me anytime!



New member
hi caren

thankyou for your welcome.

I was also 2 1/2 when my parents found out i had cf. I was 33 on the 4th august.

how are you are you keeping well?


New member
Hey welcome Tracie to the group, lots of great folks here! I hope you get your new lungs soon...I am Jenn, 34 years old (just turned 34 on the 26th) and was just diagnosed with CF incidentally. Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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I am also new to the web site. I am 33 w/CF I was diagnosed when I was 4 because they tested my brother who iwas 3 months at he time. Came out that we both had it.

I am married and I have a beautiful daughter named Meghan.



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Welcome Tracie and Jennifer! Welcome to the group! Wow theres lots of Jennifers...starting to get them all confused<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


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Welcome to the group..

My name is Jennifer HAHA.....I get confused with all the different Jennifers in here and I am one of them... We are all around the same age to. When I see someone sign their name Jennifer 33 w/ CF and it isn't me.. It totally is strange to me... There are always lots and lots of ppl with the same name as me. When I was growing up in school, their was always at least two Jennifers in my class..we usually had the same middle name as well... My teacher would assign us different names.. Like Jenn, Jenny, Jennifer, I hated being called Jenny..... I hated that name up until I met a dear friend with that name.. I still go by Jennifer... but I have a million nick names from Gracie.... which is my favorite.. to Champster... to Dork.. and comming from the person that calls me it.. I love it...I do have a lot but those are some of my favorite...

Anyway I am 33 and I was dx at 29.. I have mild lung damage but am sick with infections almost all the time..(just a few weeks off in between)... I know you will find lots of love and support here...

33 w/CF and Addison's


New member
Well hello everyone: Im new to the site, I hate to tell you but my name is Jen too. Jen D. I am 46 and doing fairly well. No lung transplant in the future but got to hand to those on the list. I will pray for you.. I wish you all the best. Im wondering if anyone else is doing what I am doing. I don't meet anyone anymore with CF that I feel close enought to to ask this so I will ask some of you. I have recently in the last 5 year been isolating (Not a bad thing for me. ), so far, myself in the winter, no holidays with family, not Easter, Christmas< No kids. I am doing this cause I find I stay well so much longer. It keeps me from getting colds, and flu. It is harder on the family than it is me. Although it is still very hard for me. But it works. I didn't get sick last year until My husband went to his mom and Dads for Easter and brought a really bad cold home with him. Everyone there was sick. No one mentioned it to us. I don't blame anyone when we get sick but it is just consideration to another person to let them know if some one is sick. Especially knowing I have a lung disease. I find all kinds of things to do for the winter, I am in a book club over the phone with a friend of mine. I have read four books this way so far. , I have prayer with a friend once a month. I take walks, ( brief they may be ) arts and crafts, and I do Photography. So my winter is filled but every year I dread having to tell everyone, no! and especially my mom and brother who are always getting sick just before Christmas. imagine they are the hardest to deal with. Any way I don't know if anyone else is going to these extremes to stay well and live longer but it would be nice to know. I don't feel like it has interfered with the quality of my life , but it has changed my life, I am much more creative come winter and that is not such a bad thing. Let me know if anyone else is going through this and if not , why not.


New member
Hi Tracie: Im new too. Welcome. How were your holidays? What do you do for fun, relaxation?Hobby?

Hope you were well or at least stable. I look forward to hearing from you.

Jen D.


New member
Happy New Year Diane:

I hope you had a Happy New Year. I just thought I would introduce myself. Im getting familiar with this site and saw you were online. So lets see if this works.

Im Jen D. 46 year old with CF obviously. I am diabetic 27 years. Doing fairly well. Happily married 22 years no children. I love children though. No pets, ( I choose not too cause of allergies ). How bout you any pets? How do you do? \




New member
thankyou for all your replies you have made me feel very welcome.

I also have CFRD, have been married for 5 years but living with my husband for 10 years. We have a cat called Emma and she is our baby.

I have always had good health up until the last couple of years, 2005 was the worst ever thats why I am on the tx list. Infact i am suprised i am still here now with how bad my health was the beginning of the year. I am on oxygen 24/7 and use an N I V over night and sometimes in the day. But i am a fighter and even though it seems to get hard sometimes i try and keep going.

But again tthankyou for making me welcome.

love sweetiepie xx


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I am new to the forum I do not have cf my wife did. I have a 9 year old daughter that has one gene from her mother.I just want to say hello to all of you and to keep fighting I watched my wife fight this disease for ten years We went to the transplant clinc to list her and she did all the tests. When she got on the list they put her on hold because they said she was too healthy.That was a year ago. When she did the sinus surgery they said u need to get the transplant she crashed 4 days later. It was her first trip to the ER.I called the transplant doctors and was shocked to find out they changed the way lungs are allocated now they give them by score of how sick you are I told them what happened and they said she was too sick for transplant talk about false hope I have alot more to write about but I feel drained the last 3 months were a nightmare.I want everyone out there to learn from what happened. Watch the PFT numbers and get second opinions I feel betrayed and I miss her so much!