Hi I'm still here


New member
Hi guys I don't realy need any more advise on the iv but thank you for those who gave me the info. I still havn't gottin my IV. but my mom said i mite not get an IV because she doesn't want to spend so much money on something thats not a big problem. She also said it's better to wait until it's just a little worse. It wasn't that bad i got a little clog in my lungs but its better now, so i prob. shoudn't have to get an IV. I have never had to go to a hospital for a cf issue, except at the time when i was dyignost (wich was age three). It took my parents a very long time before they found out what was rong with me. they had to go to several doctors and they (my parents) were afraid i mite die because i woudn't breath right, i woudn't eat, I was always sick and no doctor we went to new what i had. (my family was living in Ireland at the time my dad had to finish up school). The other time was when I had to go to the emergency room because I was having trouble breathing. This was in the winter, in American Fork, Utah. But this was more of an Asma thing.Well I just need someone to talk to.



New member
I'm glad to hear that you might not have to get an IV. I have a port personally, I've has so meny IV's that I needed it. I wish you luck and I hope that you can continue to stay out of the hospital for your CF.


I am new here too. My son has Cf and it is a scary thing but this looks like a great place to get help, and support. I get so overwhelmed sometimes that I don't know how to help him and now (he is 12) we are going through that puberty thing lol and that makes it worse. Plus he has been sick a lot lately. There are some things mom can't fix. Anyway we will talk more I am sure.


New member
It is definately a scary thing to get an IV for the first time. I have two daughters with CF. Kayla is 8 and my Hannah is 6. Kayla just had her first IV last month. She wasn't really scared, but didn't enjoy the stick. But the next day they put in a PICC line, and she really liked that much better than the IV. They gave her some medicine that made her forget everything. So she says next time she is skipping the IV, and going straight for the PICC line!
Not only do both of my daughters have CF, but so does my (soon to be 15 yrs. old this month!) nephew. We have tried to get him on-line for communicating with others like you, but he just won't do it yet.
I'm glad you are starting to feel better. Incrsease your CPT if you can, and try and keep those lungs clear! Good luck, and will enjoy reading and seeing how you are doing.


New member
Thanks guys!!! (girls) But lately I have had trouble breathing, like every 5 min. i have to take a big deep breath. I have also been using my inhaler.
Well i hope we can all chat again

love Hanna


New member
Hanna, if you are not feeling well please ask your mom to take you to the doctor. You would feel so much better if the doctor could fine out what is causing the shortness of breath and give you proper treatment. Don't wait too long or things could just get worse. Let us know how you are doing.


New member
Hi, guys its kinda gottin worse. My mom said we are going to wait a few more days just to make sure it's that bad. Well i kinda need some advice about my breathing. My mom says it seems more of an Asma type of thing and my dad just says, I need to get more fresh air and excercise more. What my prob. is i am having trouble w/ my breathing, I have to turn left to breath better like touch my chin to my sholder, I've been having to use my Inhaler like 4 times a day, it seems like it's not doing the best job. Is this normal for cf? It's not only my breathing but ever since my breathing has started i have gottin a infection in my bottom, It's like a little split or something and it's not inside my bottom it's more outside. You know I usually don't talk about my personal life with others but I kinda trust this chat room.

well thanks a lot

Hanna-girl-11-w/ cf-Oregon


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>


Hi, guys its kinda gottin worse. My mom said we are going to wait a few more days just to make sure it's that bad. Well i kinda need some advice about my breathing. My mom says it seems more of an Asma type of thing and my dad just says, I need to get more fresh air and excercise more. What my prob. is i am having trouble w/ my breathing, I have to turn left to breath better like touch my chin to my sholder, I've been having to use my Inhaler like 4 times a day, it seems like it's not doing the best job. Is this normal for cf? It's not only my breathing but ever since my breathing has started i have gottin a infection in my bottom, It's like a little split or something and it's not inside my bottom it's more outside. You know I usually don't talk about my personal life with others but I kinda trust this chat room.

well thanks a lot

Hanna-girl-11-w/ cf-Oregon</end quote></div>

I had the same exact problems both with my lungs & my bottom. It was a virus & the virus lead to infection & airways closure which led to problems. It all cleared up with meds & time. I did have to use an antibiotic cream on my bottom with pain med in it because it was sooooo sore. It sounds like your problems have started already since you can only breath comfortably in a certain position. Does your Mom know about the problem with your bottom? Have you been taking oral antibiotics?


New member
Thanks Melissa. yes i talked my mom about my bottom, she's been giving me medicine for but it's getting better. My mom just went to the pharmecy to get some
